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Apptha Pinterest Clone Script

19-11-2015, 16:02
6 087

Apptha Pinterest Clone Script

Apptha Pinterest Clone Script : The Apptha's social pinboard is a pinterest clone that helps users to pin their favorite sites related to images, videos or textual format on the their pinboard account. For users, who may come across interesting sites but choose to view them at a later point of time, this pinboard is handy.

This script enables users to follow their friends and repin the pins from your friends account. In addition this script offers you a free ad- on known as.

Connect pinboard This helps to merge the JomSocial and Social Pinboard components. Activities like photo share, video share, likes and comments on pinpboard, gets automatically updated on JomSocial.

Some of the beneficial features are listed below:

Responsive : This feature helps the user to view through any device ranging from smartphone to Laptop in high quality.

Easy to customize: The user can customize this script to his choice and create a unique content.

SEO friendly : Owing to powerful SEO optimized features the search engine indexing is more quicker.

Brand value : Ready made mobile apps with this script increases your business profits and customer, thereby improving the brand value.

No restriction on pins: The user can add any number of pins(images/videos) on the board.

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