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» » Baker Website CMS Script

Baker Website CMS Script

1-09-2013, 08:00
6 684


Baker Website Free CMS Script

Website Baker 2 features include a template-based front-end, multi-level modulated page support, multi-user administration, and much much more. Website Baker is a PHP-based Content Management System (CMS) designed with one goal in mind: to enable it's users to produce website with ease.
Create new templates within minutes - powered by (X)HTML, CSS and jQuery. With WebsiteBaker it's quite natural your site is W3C-valid, SEO-friendly and accessible - there are no limitations at all. Use droplets - the new and revolutionary way of inserting PHP code - everywhere you want. In addition to that, WebsiteBaker and the community are offering lots of extensions: Just download, install with two clicks and use them. That is not enough? You want more? No problem, build your own modules! The WebsiteBaker API gives many opportunities you can rely on.
WebsiteBaker is the best choice for designers, developers and users - whether you are a beginner, advanced person or geek. Give it a try and WebsiteBaker will convince you!

- Started In: 2004
- Updated: 2012
- Native Language: English
- Translated To: Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
- License: Affero GNU Public License

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