Creating an Authentic Ecommerce Website![]() Ecommerce is a business environment that has become highly competitive. There are many ecommerce websites in the market place; the bigger players keep increasing the sophistication of their strategies for ecommerce; and online consumers are becoming more and more perceptive. A number of key factors influence a consumer's decision-making, with one of the most important factors being your brand’s perceived authenticity, as well as that of your website and your product. If you address these aspects of your ecommerce presence, you will make a strong impact on consumers, and will accordingly increase your sales. Here are five ways in which to develop an ecommerce website experience that is authentic: 1. Seek Genuine Reviews Third-party reviews and testimonials published on your website assist in building your business’ authenticity, as well as the trust in your brand. What other people say about you is of greater importance than what you say about yourself. The most credible testimonials are accompanied by identifiable information about the person making the review. Including testimonials and reviews about the features and benefits of your product will noticeably increase click-through rates to the shopping cart for your product. Positive reviews on other websites are another good way to build credibility and trust. However, you must pay close attention and be aware of how to monitor and respond to reviews, particularly when you receive the odd one that is not positive. 2. Put a Face to Your Brand Featuring the faces and identity of the people making up your organisation demonstrates that you are prepared to stake your own name and reputation in support of your product or service. It creates a strong and comforting feeling of confidence in the consumer, which helps reduce consumer fears of being scammed. This is the easiest tip on this list to put into practice, but it can have a very powerful effect. 3. Consider Endorsements Associating your product or service with an established, trusted brand or person can be a further way to strengthen the credibility of your business. This type of endorsement is evidenced in its simplest form on almost every business website, through the inclusion of the logos of other companies that are featured as suppliers or partners. Be aware though, with third-party endorsements you are purchasing their influence and forming an association with their persona – good as well as bad. 4. Give Your Public Relations a Boost The more consumers who view you on a big stage, the greater the chances that they will recall your business. People know that all the main types of media –online, television, print, and radio – must choose which content they produce and cover. If they choose you, it is a confidence vote that your business is important and has a good reputation – this obviously increases your credibility in consumers’ eyes. Be sure to include links to these sources from both your webpage, social media outlets and your product descriptions, whenever you are lucky enough to get a mention. 5. Engage With Social Media When other people talk about your business; share images of your product and online coupons; and ‘like’ your page on Facebook, they are essentially voting for your credibility and authenticity. The more people from various sources that vote for your product or service via your social media profiles, the better the reputation your business will have. Encourage social engagement, and also display and feature this engagement on your website, for all visitors to view. By employing the above methods, you can strengthen the authenticity of your business’ ecommerce experience, which can only result in an increase in revenue through sales. Begin with the methods that are simplest to implement, and then move onto the more complex methods. This article was contributed by Magicdust- a full service digital agency who specialise in e-commerce website development, online marketing and website design. |
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