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» » AppRain Simple Free CMS CMF PHP Script

AppRain Simple Free CMS CMF PHP Script

3-09-2012, 09:35
4 550


appRain Simple CMS PHP Script is one of the first released Opensource Content Management Framework (CMF) a new web engineering concept where "CMS (Content Management System)" and "Framework" perform together to produce endless varieties of output in a very limited time. appRain, published with lots of extensive features to reduce our development work time. It satisfies both Client and Developers with a safe and quality output.

General Features
CMS Part
1. Customize Site Settings
2. Page Manger
3. Information Set (Produce Customize Admin form)
4. Category Set (Manage Category)
5. Member Management
6. Admin Management
7. ACL
8. pre-configured Blog
9. pre-configured Store
10. pre-configured Dynamic Gallery
11. pre-configured Forum
12. Very Well Cache Management
13. File Manager
14. Database Backup tool
15. File Editor (Edit template and PHP fiels)
16. Language Module
17. Theme Manager
19. Multi-Store Management System
And Others

1. MVC (Customize)
2. Factory Pattern
3. Single Tone Pattern
4. EAV
5. Search Module
6. Caching (11 types)
7. URI Manager(Router)
8. Helper
9. Plug-in (Attach 3rd Party PHP Class)
10. Add-on (Attach 3rd Party Script based extensions)
11. Module (Apprain Library)
12. Magic Method in all module
14. Auto load class by Path
15. EDP
16. PDO (Database layer)
17. Web Service (Using PHP reflection API)
18. Cron Job Setup(Using PHP reflection API)
19. Cryptography
20. Export Resource outside
21. Configure Multi-theme and Multi-User Site
22. Configure Multi-Domain site
23. Unit Test

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