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Online Marketplaces Where You Can Sell Your Graphics

2-01-2015, 17:15
3 887

Sell Your Graphics

Are you a graphic designer eager for work? Maybe you have some simple pre-made designs you want to put on the market for businesses and individuals alike, whether it’s classy alternatives to clipart, seasonal stationery or even your own personal "stock” logo options, you can’t make a sale without a venue in which to display your wares.
Thankfully, the Internet has made it possible for designers throughout the world to get their work out in public with very little footwork and even less in the area of overhead costs. Creative Bloq reports that investing too much money and even more time into building your own personal venue is a thing of the past. Now, there are better places to start.

Your Website

The first place most people turn to sell their graphics is their own website, which is a perfectly valid place to start. As a graphic designer, your website serves as an extension of your portfolio—no matter how good your products and samples are, if they’re posted in a poorly designed website you’re not going to generate many leads, and even fewer conversions.
Remember that if you intend to sell artwork on your own website, you need a much more detailed business plan than if you work through an existing service. Chron recommends establishing the business structure first with assistance from a professional, finding a convenient location—in this case your website—and scoping out the competition. While these are steps designed primarily for brick and mortar locations, there’s nothing that doesn’t also apply to an online business. Build a plan, secure a domain, check out how the crème de la crème does it and then design your site to be SEO friendly and properly eye-catching.
Once you have your site more or less skinned out, it’s time to either invest in an eCommerce service or software set, or to be prepared to do things the old fashioned way when clients display interest. It’s recommended that you utilize eCommerce tools, however, as giving clients the option to buy something and check out without a great deal of interaction is not only great for your workload, but also makes clients more comfortable working with you. Small startups aren’t generally looking for the opportunity to talk to a professional designer for hours on end about what they want for their logo, especially if you’ve already designed something close to specifications already.
There’s nothing wrong with choosing to sell through your own personal venue, but keep in mind that starting in a community marketplace with an established clientele can help ease the burden of marketing yourself and your skills all over the web.

Crowdsourcing Sites

According to, crowdsourcing is defined as an online venue for multiple people to share knowledge and wisdom to build a better product. While programming started crowdsourcing with open source software, in the world of graphic design it usually refers to contents and other speculative projects or spec work.
Spec work in general is frowned upon, but the better crowdsourcing venues make it easy to put your best work forward and pick up a handful of clients in no time at all. For designers who are new to the business or inexperienced with online marketing, this can be a godsend. In recent years, changes in the economy and undercutting in the design market have given many crowdsourcing sites a bad name, but most graphic artists know that these services, such as Designhill, exist to connect available designers with small businesses and individuals in need. While many creative venues in this area of expertise have no minimum pay offering and limited protection for designers, the best of these services offer clients with a clear understanding of the worth of their projects, and distinct guidelines to protect creatives and their work.
These sites are a great place to build up clientele and stretch your creative muscles for a number of reasons:
  • Multiple clients to work with

  • Varied graphic projects

  • Other designers to learn from

Keep in mind, however, that it can take a few tries before you land a client. Don’t be discouraged if your work isn’t chosen the first, second, or even third time around.

Post It

Whether you opt to break out on your own or put your best stock logo for sale at Designhill, the most important thing you can do as a designer is to get yourself and your work out there. If you decide to work alone, show off your site as much as you can; drive traffic, share links, get your social media feeds buzzing about the work you have available. Open commissions and market your work hard and the work will come. Likewise, if you choose to take part in crowdfunding services and endeavors, the important thing is to take some time to really show your stuff to the clients seeking your work. Offer variants of your stock logos as is appropriate, post your stationery to holiday contests and more—market yourself right and before long, clients will be seeking you out instead of the other way around.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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