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» » Free Multi Gaming Clan PHPNuke Theme

Free Multi Gaming Clan PHPNuke Theme

14-11-2010, 10:26
4 725


This is our second theme to help Ravens Nuke expand. We first released the CT RN Red Theme about 14 months ago and today we decided to convert that theme into a Multi Gaming grey-scale version.

This theme has been tested and works on Ravens Nuke 2.40.RC1 and will also work on Standard PHPNuke. It also interoperates the new NukeNav Menu in the header and slick banner placement in the header.

This theme is 100% XHTML Compliant and 100% CSS driven, users NO tables what so ever, what does all that mean ? Its super fast.. and web browser friendly !

There are a few extras included but to be honest this is a stripped down fast loading template, and the header only compromises of just 1 image, which you could just add your clans logo to no problem, also comes with matching PHPBB2 forums.

шаблоны для dle 11.2

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