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HTML Tips For Perfecting Your Current SEO Strategy

10-04-2017, 20:55

When attempting to build a brand-new website, you’ll need to take a handful of considerations into account. You’ll need to figure out precisely what you wish your website to look like before you even get started. Do you want something extravagant or simple? After this, you’ll need to begin building your website for the visitors, while simultaneously paying close attention to your SEO strategy. Search engine optimization will play a vital role in helping your website become a success. Within this guide, you will find tips for designing a beautiful site that is equally friendly for visitors and search engines.

HTML Tips For Perfecting Your Current SEO Strategy

Title Tag Is Pertinent

First and foremost, you should understand that your page’s title will always be immensely important. While Google’s algorithm is consistently changing, a few things tend to remain the same. This is especially true, when it comes to the title tag. This is one of the first things your visitors and the search engine will see. It should be short and straight to the point. It is generally best to make sure that your title includes one of your SEO keywords. This will let Google and other search engines know exactly what your site is about right from the get go.


While there is an abundance of great HTML tips, one of the most important tips of all is to always use your META tag. The META description is one of the most pertinent components of any website. In fact, it could easily make the difference between getting a visitor or the consumer ignoring your site all together. This is the case, because the META description will be visible in the search engine’s results. The META description doesn’t do much in terms of rankings any longer. Nevertheless, it can still help increase the number of visitors that click through to your website.

Using Header Tags

There are some tags that are beneficial for SEO purposes, but irrelevant to the visitor. This is definitely not the case with header tags. These simple HTML tags are enormously beneficial for both parties. The header tag is used to separate specific portions of content on your webpage. At the same time, Google and Bing will pay very close attention to your site’s H1, H2 and H3 tags. With this in mind, it is generally best to make sure that a relevant keyword is always placed in these tags. This will let the search engines know exactly how to rank your website in their search results.

Image Tags

Almost every website on the Internet has at least one or two pictures. In fact, your website would be incredibly boring and stale, if it contained nothing except for text. Therefore, you’ll want to add plenty of pictures to your pages. Just remember that these images can be beneficial for viewers and the search engine. When adding a new picture to your site, it is absolutely crucial to make sure you use the appropriate keywords in the image’s ALT tag. This could very well help to boost the amount of traffic your site receives from Google and Bing’s image search engines.

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