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How to Best Improve Your SEO with Branding and Social Options

23-02-2017, 09:51

Many businesses don't have a brand or a brand strategy. When you don't have a brand, you're missing out on an opportunity to promote yourself using SEO and social media. Let's look at how proper branding can help you gain new visitors when combined with SEO and posting on social media.


Improve Your SEO with Branding and Social Options

What is a brand?

Your brand is more than just the way your company is written on a business card. It's also more than just a logo or a slogan. A business's brand is the entire experience your customers have with your company, product or service. A good brand strategy helps a business grow and increase sales. Positive benefits of branding include standing out from the competition, generating more leads and allowing a business to charge higher prices.


A proper branding strategy creates a roadmap for the experience you want your customers to have when interacting with your company. Some questions to get you thinking about your brand include:


• How do you want to be known? What do you want potential clients to think of when they think of you?

• List some qualities or traits that you want to be known for. Do you want to be known as a trustworthy company, or perhaps you think it's most important that your customers see you as competent.

• Who are you going to target with your message? Where will you find these customers? How do you plan on communicating and delivering your brand message to them? Where a company ultimately chooses to advertise becomes part of the brand strategy.

· How do you plan to communicate visually and verbally to execute your brand strategy?


Your brand exists only in other people's minds. People will always remember the way you make them feel. If they have a good experience, they will share your brand's message with their friends.


Branding and SEO


One factor that hurts many businesses doing SEO is over-optimized anchor text. Many companies try to do SEO by using commercial anchor text that point to a page that has the same commercial keyword in the page title. Some of these links are external links and some of them are internal anchor text links. Companies and SEO agencies have been impacted by the Google Penguin update which properly corrected for over-optimized anchor text.


You have more latitude with your anchor texts in SEO when you use your brand for your anchor texts. A company's domain name is often part of their brand. Google allows for much more permissive linking of brandable anchor phrases. Businesses can also brand around events. A pet food company could have "Furry Friday" picture roundups and run branded links at these weekly postings. Another company might sponsor a related convention in their niche. If you are a web hosting company, sponsoring a hosting convention allows you to run web hosting partial match anchor texts from the event back to your home page.


Build your SEO around brandable campaigns


Companies can spin off separate brandable entities they can use to build their SEO around.


• Staples has a big plastic "Easy" button that they've chosen to build a brand around.

• Google has named their main office the Googleplex, which is an asset they can use to attract employees.


These proprietary keywords then become assets that companies can build links to as part of their SEO campaigns. Related brandable keywords like these are a great safe way to do back linking as part of your SEO campaigns. When you look at the sites that didn't get hit by the Penguin update, these companies were building SEO campaigns around real world things. Are there any events, books or sponsorships that your business can brand around? These are all linking opportunities that are resilient to SEO penalties.


Branded anchors send a strong signal to Google. When people care enough about your brands to search for them in Google, that shows that they've committed your brand to their memory. Proprietary content could also be the name of an article that you wrote or a term you've coined within the piece. For example, "inbound marketing" and "growth hacking" are two invented terms that have taken on a life of their own.


How social media can boost a brand.


Social media started out as a platform to message friends and share various media. But businesses started noticing that they can influence consumers' perceptions of them through social media posting. There are a few things that a company can do to boost their brand by using social media.


1. Survey the social media landscape and see where your audience is hanging out. Are they on Instagram, Facebook or perhaps on Pinterest? Different social media sites will require different content. Something that's share-worthy on Twitter might not make a dent on YouTube. With so many social media outlets out there, don't get lost and start posting to the wrong platforms for your niche. Every business is going to need to do some homework to start finding what's going to work best.


2. Businesses need to create and post engaging content. You should be sharing stuff that audiences want to look at and share. Instead of doing boring stuff, come up with unique content that they haven't seen before. Don't be afraid to share your unique viewpoint on the world and post it on social media.


3. Brand your content and link back to your site. By branding your content, you entwine your company with your social media posts. You'll also want to make sure to link back to your website. Sharing images and video is well and good, but you can't make sales if nobody makes it back to your home page. Social media backlinks are also a good part of a blended SEO strategy.


The most important goal for a business is to make sure that it delivers the promises it makes to their customers. A business's brand should consistently and repeatedly remind potential prospects why they should buy from them and not their competitors. And a company's SEO and social media outreach should help it deliver its brand message.

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