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10 Rules for Selecting Right Template for a Successful Blog

10-07-2023, 15:35
6 278

Getting started with your blog is not a rocket science but also not everyone’s cup of tea. It is something serious that you should pay attention to. Your goals and determination really matters for the success of the blog. It is like a job that you have to do with dedication. But, before all these things, the initial step is the most crucial that you have to choose and design a platform to express yourself and your writings. Other then the knowledge you are going to share with your audience, there are several other things of your concern.

10 Rules for Selecting Right Template for a Successful Blog

The template, layout and selection of the blog play an important role in the designing that creates overall a good impact. These tips are very helpful if you wish this blog thing work for you. The article talks about the frame of the blog that can improve the impact of the content and also perks up the impression of the blogger.

Self-Hosted Wordpress Blog

Wordpress is still the most appropriate and serious platform for the beginners. You may have come across many other cool platforms to start your blog and they are also free. As a hobby, you can take a start with those free blogging platforms but ultimately you will have to shift your blog to a host.

Wordpress is the best self-hosting option with the facility of customization, designs, control and ownership of the blog with your domain name. The themes and templates of wordpress are both free and paid. Wordpress layouts are flexible to go with the subject matter and support the plug-ins to add new features. This host provider also supports its users.

These features make it the priority among the blogger all across the world. This is the right way to stay up-right from the beginning whatever blog you are going to start either about fashion, choosing right clothing, recycling, cooking, travelling, books, automobiles, guide about cars its parts, or about law firm like Gorth & Associates and more.


Improve Navigations and Accessibility

Setup of a blog needs your consideration; each and every category added to the blog should be easily accessible from any page. The users could go to the back page or open to any new page directly. It is annoying not being able to open a desired page that makes the audience bored and frustrated. Make sure you have a working navigation and keys for every page of the blog including home, catalogs, contact and about page. It is just like the website layout.

Break Down the things and Make Relevant and Appealing subheadings

The content on the blog that is easy to read is the audience’s favorite. We all know no one will read it till the end if it is boring and also not easily readable. Where the style of writing matters, the way you present it also matters.

Make small paragraphs and add more headings if suitable. People like scanning and skimming and pick the things of their interest. A long body of the piece of writing scares the reader and he just scroll down and leave.


The formatting of the article helps in scanning and finding the portion of interest. A column with spacing on both side looks good to eyes, keep the text in the center and also good to read. Here are some key points:

·Make Bullet points

·Use Short Paragraphs

·Select font size and style carefully

·Go bold to highlight the running text

Background Color

It is included in the template of the website or blog that you can choose and background and theme color that suits the best. Dark text on the light background is the most appreciated.


Images in Videos

Photos and videos are the part of the overall makeup of the page. A template provides you the space to add image at each post and sometime more than one images and videos. They are interactive.

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