Today, blogging is about more than just venting your
frustrations on the web for people to read and comment on. In fact, regular
blogging has become an essential part of creating a reliable content marketing
strategy designed to get your business noticed and attract potential profits.
If you've been blogging for some time, either as a professional writer or as a
business in search of new customers, then you'll know that there's a lot more
to success than simply penning great copy.
From ensuring that your blog looks amazing with fantastic templates, to promoting your content through the right channels such as social
media, blogging can be a full-time job. Here are just a few of the ways that
you can work to start getting your writing noticed:
Say something new
If you're having trouble coming up with new blog topics, then it's generally a
good idea to look around and see what's trending in your niche or industry.
However, this doesn't mean that you should simply copy and paste other people's
opinions into your own stories. Instead, if you want to get noticed, you need
to do something different. Whether this is talking about something entirely
new, or looking at a story from a different angle, show your followers that you
are unique. The last thing that you want in today's competitive market is to
simply blend in with the crowd.
Promote yourself
Most bloggers simply don’t have the luxury of publishing new posts and then
waiting for their SEO to do all the work. You need to take some action if you
want pageview numbers to rise and shares to accumulate. Part of getting your
writing noticed today means promoting yourself through multiple mediums,
including PPC, social media and more.
Grab the reader's attention
When you're browsing online, what convinces you to click on one link instead of
the other, or read a post, instead of searching for information elsewhere?
Usually, the answer is the headline. If the titles, subtitles and even the
initial paragraph of the copy in your blog are interesting and engaging, then your
readers are going to be hooked. Yes, you're going to need to make sure that the
rest of the blog is also incredible and relevant, but the title will help to
capture that initial attention you need to make your company thrive.
Use images and video
As wonderful as blogging can be, you need to find a few different ways
to appeal to your audience's various senses. This means including things such
as video and imagery in your blog post; this will help to provide a break
between blocks of text and keep your viewer interested. Make sure that the
images that you use are of a high quality, however. Poor images give the
impression that your website is untrustworthy or low-budget.
Be inspired by other writers
What better way to improve your own writing than to look towards successful
professionals who have already made "getting noticed" into an art
form? Consider Alison O'Riordan, for example,
a journalist who is well known for her work with the Irish Mail on Sunday and the Irish
Daily Mail. In each of the articles that Alison produces, there's something
special that draws the reader in and keeps them engaged – that's why she's so
successful as a freelance journalist.
Get personal
One of the most important things that a blogger can do to make
themselves stand out today is show the human side of themselves. People want to
create a relationship with the companies that they do business with, and this
can include feeling familiar with a particular writer, or their specific voice.
Use your personal story and anecdotes to show your readers a unique side of you
that they couldn't get anywhere else.
Be careful with your writing
Finally, as a writer, you'll quickly discover that it's easy to either
inadvertently undermine the intelligence of your audience, or intimidate your
readers. Either way, you need to think carefully about the words that you use,
the length of your content and your content structure. Test different types of
writing on your audience and see which gets the best results.
Getting your writing noticed
In a sea of people obsessed with finding the right audience in today's thriving
marketplace, it's more important than ever to stand out amongst the crowd.
Making your blog a success means ensuring that your writing stands out, and the
above tips should be able to help you meet those goals.
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