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» » Web Development Trends That You Need To Stay Relevant In 2019

Web Development Trends That You Need To Stay Relevant In 2019

3-12-2019, 12:02

The realm of technology is one that is as dynamic as the direction of the wind. It is ever-changing and those who choose to compete in such an industry need to stay on their toes in order to gain an advantage and to maintain that advantage over their competitors. The dynamic nature of the industry is not a bad thing. Because trends are always changing, there will always be a chance for innovation. Businesses that are on top won’t always be, and there will always be a chance for a shift in power.

One major determinant of who gets to establish dominance will always be the business that is not only able to keep up with trends, but is also able to put these trends to maximum effect. This is especially true in the web development industry because of the fact that websites are a vital tool that allows businesses to reach their target market and to help drive sales. With this in mind, what are the web development trends that you should keep your eyes on?>

Voice Search Optimization

With the ever-increasing popularity of smart assistants, the value of optimizing your websites to respond to voice commands cannot be overstated. Many searches will be done without the use of a phone screen, and this introduced a new level of convenience in terms of how we use our mobile devices. The most valuable thing to consider here is how voice searches will affect SEO and that the websites that are optimized for voice searches are bound to rank higher.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are powerful tools that enhance a user’s experience as well as the company’s marketing efforts. This allows businesses to deliver information to their end users without the need to collect credentials from the end users.

Motion UI

Motion UI is able to animate various elements in your website and is useful for adding a bit of flair to your website. A lot of websites have already begun to put Motion UI to good use and if you’re unable to do the same, then your website might look outdated compared to that of your competitors who’ve already made updates.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

We are all aware of the fact that a majority of searches are now made via mobile devices. We are more likely to input search queries on our smartphones instead of using a full-sized computer. With this information in mind, it would only make perfect sense to keep the mobile version of your website as convenient as possible, and one of the best ways to do so is to ensure that your website loads as quickly as it can. After all, nobody likes waiting too long on a single page.

But, even when you’re completely aware of all these web development trends, if you’re unable to integrate them properly into your website, they aren’t going to be of much value. One sure way to overcome this hurdle is to hire a team of skilled freelance web developers to do it for you. Couple this team with process automation and you’re bound to have a work process that’s seamless and efficient.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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