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How Should You Describe Your Services on Your Website?

16-09-2018, 18:03

Visitors encountering your web presence for the first time will face a tough decision as they learn more a bout your business and the services you offer. Whether they have a problem and are looking for a solution, or are more open about their future purchasing possibilities, they’ll eventually land on your services page, and from there, they’ll need to decide whether or not to contact you.
How you describe your services can play a massive role in whether or not a visitor chooses to move forward.Thankfully, there are some strategies that can help.

How Should You Describe Your Services on Your Website

The Basics

There are a few core categories you’ll need to address as you build out your services page:
  • Invoice expectations. Customers are usually interested in the bottom line for your services; in other words, how are you going to invoice them? Providinga sample invoice  can show them what the average customer can expect to pay, and how you charge for each line item. If you’d rather keep your pricing hidden for proprietary reasons, you can at least give customers a sense of how you charge for your services; for example, do you charge a monthly fee, or an hourly rate? 

  • Service expectations. Customers also need to know what’s included in each service package. Most companies use a bullet ed list to simplify things, explaining to customers which services and/or products are included in which bundles. You can also use a paragraph format to describe a process you employ, such as gathering scope requirements, then delegating the work. 

  • The value factor. You need to explain not just which services you’re offering and how much they cost, but also why you charge this specific amount for your services. Why is your service worth the money? Some companies may address this by citing the average customer’s return on investment (ROI), while others may focus on listing the practical benefits of proceeding with this course of action. 

  • The competition factor. You probably aren’t the only business offering services like these, so what makes you different? It’s on you to provide some degree of competitive differentiation; otherwise, customers won’t have much reason to choose you over a close competitor. Do you offer lower prices? More exhaustive services? Better customer support? A signature product? 

  • Examples. Sometimes, seeing a real example of your work is better than reading a description of it. If you have a client portfolio, consider adding it to your products and services page. If not,consider showing a video of work you’ve done in the past, or if your services aren’t tangible, publish a case study detailing how you’ve executed your work in the past. 

Key Tips for Success

So what tips can you follow to maximize your chances for success?
  • Use both high-level and detailed descriptions. Some customers just want a brief description of your services so they can make a quick decision. Others want to get into the weeds. You’ll have to cater to both in your service descriptions, so consider writing headlines or bullet points that capture thees sence of your message in a concise format, while providing detailed supplementary paragraphs to offer more content to those who want it. 

  • Be as specific as possible. Too many service providers use vague language when describing their services, but it’s better to be as specific as possible. For example, instead of describing your “breakthrough, cutting-edge process for improving your advertising ROI,” detail the actual steps of that process, and how your customers’ ROI can improve.Ambiguous phrases fill space without providing any real meaning. 

  • Study the competition. Take some time to look at your competitors, and how they describe their own products and services. This is helpful in a few different ways. First, it should give you inspiration for how to describe your own services (though you’ll never want to copy someone else’s approach). Second, it should help you figure out a way to differentiate your own content, making your brand more unique in the industry. It can also help you imagine this type of content from the perspective of a visitor. 

  • Stay flexible. Do be specific and offer as many details as possible to your customers, but don’t paint yourself into a corner. Make sure your prospective clients know there’s some room for negotiation and flexibility,and work that into your service packages when you can. 

There’s no surefire formula for howto write a services page, but if you follow these strategies, you’ll be off to a good start. From there, simple tweaks via AB testing can help you pinpoint the most effective ways to position your services.You won’t uncover the perfect recipe right away, but as long as you keep working at it, you’ll eventually create something compelling. шаблоны для dle 11.2

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