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How to create a landing page if you are a noob in designing websites

27-08-2019, 21:15

Have you been dreaming about having your own perfect landing page? No wonder – this marketing tool is a powerful thing that can boost your sales and significantly increase recognition and trust for your brand.
Don't worry – you don’t need to be super savvy in programming or designing websites to build your own highly converting and attractive landing page. There are a lot of landing page experts to be found online that encourage you to trust them and use their services. Most of them really know their stuff and if you decide to go for them they will probably create a beautiful and efficient landing page of your dreams.

How to create a landing page if you are a noob in designing websites

But let me tell you a tiny little secret – you are perfectly capable of creating a sound landing page on your own without their help. Right here right now and for free! As you can create landing page in WordPress! And that's not difficult at all!

How to create a landing page in WordPress

Creating a landing page in WordPress is actually the easiest way to do it and surprisingly it is still not very popular among the online businessmen. To do so all you need to do is to devote an hour of your precious business time and make two steps. One is installing WordPress plugin and the second one using it to build your landing page. Sounds doable, doesn't it?

Working with landing page WordPress plugin

The plugin offers you a range of landing page templates to choose from. The choice of landing page template is quite crucial as it has to be compatible with your business and the target customers so don’t underestimate its impact. Once you choose the best one, you are able to adjust it to your needs and add all the content. With a prebuilt ‘drag and drop’ function that the plugin offers, you don't need to be afraid that you omit any vital element.
The plugin has also an essential function which is guiding creators when they do it for the first time. It subtly provides the tips and next steps to take so the whole creation goes smoothly and seamlessly. Pretty cool, right?
Thanks to the plugin you are able to build your brand-new nice landing page in less than an hour! However, apart from adding all the necessary elements make sure it all works together and looks at least decent. Because only good landing page can stand out of the crowd and stay ahead of the competition.

Why a landing page has to look good

You must always remember that the moment you publish your landing page it immediately starts to be a business card of your product or service. Suddenly it becomes a gate to your business and both its appearance and content invite the guests inside or rather outside. And your goal is obviously to make a favorable first impression and make the visitors trust you and desire the solution you offer.

Your landing page is the first thing your customers see and they make an opinion of your business basing on the experience your landing page provides. They all start to judge from the very first second they enter the website – colours used, images and whole layout. If it all works together fine you don’t need to worry. However, if there is at least a tiniest little doubt about it, you should act upon and improve it.
Therefore – before you publish your brand-new landing page try to get into your customer's shoes and ask yourself „would I buy this product if I saw a landing page like that? What would I think about that solution?”. If your answers is YES and IT IS AWESOME you may press the button publish without any concern. And just wait until a landing page gives you all the benefits it promises to provide you with ;-)шаблоны для dle 11.2

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