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» » Principles of a Powerful Landing Page

Principles of a Powerful Landing Page

14-06-2016, 13:07
1 602

Principles of a Powerful Landing Page

Landing page is a good idea for those, who want to make an emphasis on a particular service or product. Being an integral part of the main website, LP should have no complicated navigation. It is usually designed to guide its visitors toward required conversional goal.
Ultraweb has gathered the list of rules that will help you to make a powerful landing page:

1. Choose a specific strategy that will direct you through the whole "life” of the landing page
Think about the purpose of your page. Determine your ultimate goals. Try to find correct words and the best forms to deliver them.

2. Observe the principles of visual hierarchy
Good landing page is perceived consistently. It should be logical. Place the most important information on the top, gradually moving to the contacting forms.

3. Try to capture a visitor`s information
Motivate people to make an action. Add a special button.

4. Attractive design
Landing page should arouse curiosity, sympathy and a desire to push the button. Add beautiful photos and videos as a background or original concepts. Visual content is always a good idea.

5. Write interesting texts
Landing page is not a website. Don’t put too much text. A user should be able to read it quickly. Use bullet points. Avoid long, uninformative sentences.

6. Do not forget to add a couple of high quality photos
Good Landing Page should be read in seconds and arose positive emotions. Add beautiful images in high resolution.

7. Maintain your brand
Landing page should follow the same design conception as the main website or brand. Don’t make it differ. Keep the same color palette and the font.

8. Do not hesitate to sell
Do not waste your time on allusions. Do you need the result? So, promote and sell your product. Speak directly, avoiding aggressive tone and molestation.

9. Be interesting
A user spends a few second looking at a landing page before determining its relevance to his/her needs. So, you should entice your visitors to complete a targeted action. Involve everything that can capture their attention.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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