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SEO Checklist Before Launching a New Website

24-07-2019, 17:13

Most new marketers focus on website design only to appeal to the potential customers before launching a new website but is that enough?

SEO Checklist Before Launching a New Website

We have highlighted a few important factors below which you need to check for before launching a new website;

1. Site Speed is Important:

Many new website owners do not understand the importance of a fast loading site. They mainly focus on adding many attractive elements on the page making the site heavy. They also tend to add images and videos to make the site look attractive but end up in making it slower.
A slow site will take several seconds to load whereas a nicely optimized site only takes milliseconds to load. Your reader may become impatient and may quit the site increasing the bounce rate.
Test your site with the different online speed tools available and try to resolve issues which are decreasing the site speed before making your website go live.

2. Mobile-First Design:

When was the last time you opened your laptop just to visit a website? The first step, in general, is to visit a site on the phone and the majority of the people do the same hence designing a website for the desktop rather than mobile may be a big downfall for your SEO. If you check the Google page score of different websites, most of them will score well for the desktop version but really low for the mobile version. Having a responsive design which shows the same elements across mobile and the laptop is the best approach to create a website to be future ready.

3. Create Enough Content Before Launching Website:

I have seen several website owners launching a new site with a handful of posts and pages. It takes a lot of effort to bring traffic to your page. Your aim should be to make sure that the people who visit your site once stay on your website for some time and visit again later. Having just a few posts will not do that for your website. Visitors will become disinterested and may never want to visit your website. Do not forget about the competition outside.
Another thing to remember is to post content more than 500 words, preferable 1000-2000 words so that the user gets enough information from reading your content. Many websites have hundreds of posts but really short once hence such sites are of no use to the readers. Writing short posts will not really be informative and will rank low as per google algorithms.

4. Generate an XML Sitemap

Most new websites do not do this but generating XML (Extensible Markup Language) is important to map out the structure of the website. You must be wondering why is this required? Well, you will be aware that search engine crawlers index your website and creating a sitemap can make it easy for the crawlers to do this task quickly and efficiently. Basically, an XML sitemap is just like a Table of Contents for your website.
Once you generate a sitemap, submit it to the search engines so that the bots can crawl your pages and posts quickly and your site has the chance of ranking higher.

5. Set-up Web Analytics:

Many new website owners are not even aware of measuring analytics. The ones who are aware, tend to ignore it as they feel it is unnecessary to measure the analytics in such an early stage. Well, there is nothing called as early when it comes to web analytics. In fact, the earlier, the better as understanding the behavior of your visitors will help you customized your site thoroughly in the future.

6. Stick to Simple, Clean and Accessible Designs:

New websites owners usually incline towards creating a quirky and complex website because they feel that the more elements on a page, the better. In reality, simple designs are the best from every aspect as they are clutter free, fast, easy to navigate and simple to maintain. Another important design criteria to note is that the ADA compliance (Americans with Disabilities Act) is important for a website which can only be achieved by sticking to a simple design which will be easy to navigate and access.

7. Focus on the On-Page SEO:

It is not just enough to create enough content, but you also need to make sure that your content is optimized for search engines so that you can rank higher in search engines and attract more organic traffic. Creating content without implementing the right SEO strategies is just a waste of time.

Launching a new website is an exciting experience and implementing these SEO tactics will make sure that your site gradually ranks higher in search engines.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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