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10 Things To Avoid When Choosing A Joomla Hosting Provider

10-07-2023, 15:35

If you've decided on using the Joomla CMS for your website, the next step is to find a Joomla hosting provider. While it may seem like an intuitive process where you find a service provider that offers strong features at a decent rate, that's far from the truth. There are several things that you need to look for and avoid when it comes to looking for a reliable Joomla hosting provider.

10 Things To Avoid When Choosing A Joomla Hosting Provider

1. Going with a Slow Service Provider

Many of the big web hosting companies offer cheap rates on shared servers. While this seems attractive, many of these companies have downgraded their services and have overloaded too many clients on one server. As a result, websites hosted on these servers load very slow which hurts conversion rates and increase bounce rates. The best thing to do is to look for reviews regarding the performance that the big web hosting companies offer.

2. PHP Run as Apache on Server

One of the more technical things you need to talk to a potential web host is about how PHP is being run. Without going into all the technical details, PHP run as an Apache module can cause a lot of security problems. That's why you want to go with a web host that runs PHP as a CGI process. Even Joomla recommends that you go with a host that runs PHP as a CGI process on their website. Many Joomla site owners run eCommerce sites which is far more susceptible to security attacks when vulnerabilities are found.

3. Not Reading the Fine Print

Many hosts will highlight and bold their strongest features, especially when it comes to companies that offer unlimited accounts. However, there are many caveats that can limit how you use the service. Some companies may offer unlimited bandwidth, websites and disk space. However, there might be a limit to the number of POP accounts or even MySQL installations. Think about which technical aspects of a web hosting service is important to you and get clarity on what is offered and what is not.

4. Going with a Host that Offers Little to No Tech Support

One of the things you simply can't ignore is the fact that Joomla is far more complex than WordPress. If you're going to look for a Joomla hosting provider, you want to make sure they can provide the tech support you need. You need Joomla specific support and not just regular hosting support. Try getting in touch with their customer service reps. Call them or start a conversation in live chat. This will let you know if they are responsive and trained to work with Joomla problems.

5. Not Paying for a SSL Certificate

If you're like many website owners, you want to do everything that you can to save money with your project. However, there are some things that you simply must have. One of them is an SSL certificate. Many web hosts offer this feature, so that's not the issue. The issue is that website owners neglect SSL certificates which hurts the marketing strategy of their website. Savvy customers are aware of sites with no SSL certificates and you have to be aware that you're putting customers at risk. Google also is starting to prevent users from viewing sites without SSL certificates, so you need to set it up if you plan on doing any SEO.

6. Paying for a Long Contract

Many web hosting companies offer a six month or annual plan. In return for choosing these plans, customers are given significant discounts. While this is an attractive choice for many customers, you shouldn't jump at the offer right away. You should give the hosting company a test drive. Assess the performance of the servers, reach out to support and explore all the features that are offered. Once you are satisfied with their service, you can move forward with a longer-term contract.

7. Not Looking for Help with Site Migration

If you're already with a web host and want to transfer to a new one, you want to look for one that offers help with site migration. The process of transferring your existing files onto a new server can be confusing. The last thing you want to face is data errors and lost files. If you are making a transfer, look for a web host that can supply you with a site migration expert to make the process as seamless as possible.

8. Not Looking for CDN Support If You Have Heavy Volume

If you serve heavy multimedia files or you get heavy traffic volume to your Joomla site, you want to go with a CDN (content delivery network) service. A CDN services helps deliver your content to your site visitors quickly. There is a big difference between a normal setup where you deliver the content to the user and a CDN service that takes care of it for you. There is less lag and loading time which is important if you want to deliver a great user experience for web visitors. Some web hosting companies will offer a free CDN or additional CDN services for a small fee if you need it.

9. Going with a Service that Offers Only One Database

While this was touched on for a second earlier, it's important to restate why having multiple databases is important. If you're testing a new version of your site, you want to put them on different databases for easy management. This also allows you to minimize errors during the design or development process. You can create a copy of your database to test new applications, scripts and functionalities.

10. Going with a Services that Leaves You to Figure Everything Out

One thing you want to ensure is that your web host provides guidance with installing and working with Joomla. There should be a helpful knowledge base, FAQs and videos helping you get set up and running. If there is a lack of information, you should consider looking for another hosting provider.


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