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Which Web Hosting Type Is Best For You ?

18-09-2015, 00:00
1 509

Which Web Hosting Type Is Best For You

When it comes to web hosting, if you've ever tried to search for the perfect host you'll know that there are often lots of options, lots of choices, this plan, that package and so on and so forth. But what do you actually need? Throughout this article we'll look at the various types of hosting options available and discuss briefly what each one should be used for. From that, hopefully you'll be able to get an idea on which one should be best for you.

Shared Hosting

This is the typical hosting account that you'll see here and there across the various web hosting companies out there. If you see packages such as bronze, silver, gold or home / professional etc then the chances are unless it's labelled as something else that these will ALL be shared hosting accounts. What that means is exactly as the name suggests, it's an account on a server which you share with other people. It's not uncommon for shared hosting server to have in excess of 2000 different websites hosted on it for 2000 different customers! This can and often does effect the performance of your website but they're the cheapest packages around and you get what you pay for.

Reseller Hosting

These accounts are designed for people who want to run a web hosting business. Reseller hosting typically comes with a control panel such as WHM that allows you to add accounts (domains/websites) for other people and bill them for it. They're quite common amongst web design agencies who want to charge their clients for hosting or small home based businesses who want to make a bit of money on the side by selling web hosting servers. It is also fairly common for people to take out reseller packages solely for their own sites just to get that bit of extra power and resource usage.

VPS Hosting

Which Web Hosting Type Is Best For You

This stands for Virtual Private Server hosting and as the name suggests this is like a dedicated server only completely virtual. It's a full server within a server if you like so you have all the bells and whistles that come with a dedicated server but it's not physical. It's a piece of software that runs on a dedicated server and allocates resources as deemed fit by the webmaster. It is more often than not a cloud solution which means it will share pooled resources. This means that you will get dedicated server performance for a fraction of the price.

Dedicated Servers

This is the best solution you'll find across the web hosting companies. It is a dedicated computer on the Internet whos sole purpose is to serve your website(s). As your website will be the only thing hosted on it then it makes sense that it will have a lot more power/resources at its disposal which will allow it to host hundreds of small sites or one really large one!


So there you have it, you can either go big, or go small but it's important that you choose something which works for you. There is little point paying over the odds for a premium dedicated server if you're only hosting a small personal website and there is no point trying to save a few pennies a month by getting a shared hosting account if you're hosting a large site or even a small business site. The point is you need to choose something that works and fits your situation that way your site will stay active and you will be paying a fair and accurate price.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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