5 Things to Consider When Purchasing VPS Hosting![]() You certainly aren’t going to have any difficult finding a VPS hosting service to take advantage of, that’s for sure. Almost all professional web hosting services out there provide VPS (Virtual Private Server) solutions to their customer base, and all of them promise the moon and the stars when it comes to results, ease of use, safety, and security.
No, the trouble is trying to find the best VPS hosting solution for your specific needs. And with so many different options to choose from, that’s going to be a bit more challenging than most people expect or anticipate.
Thankfully, when you arm yourself with the inside information we have for you below you’re going to be able to make the process a lot easier. Let’s dive right in!
The physical location of your VPS is mission critical Though the major advantage of going forward with a VPS is that it is first and foremost "virtual”, you’re still going to want to make sure that the physical hardware running this server is located in the same geographical area that the majority of your traffic will be coming from. Those in the US are going to want to look for VPS providers in the US, as opposed to VPS providers in Australia, for example. This is going to dramatically improve speed and uptime, and is certainly something you’ll need to investigate.
The physical hardware behind your VPS is mission critical You’re also going to want to make sure that your VPS solution is being run off of a single dedicated server with enough processors, a number of RAM, and multiple hard drives set up in a secure RAID array to provide you with the performance and safety that you deserve. Even though your VPS will run off of "virtual resources”, it has to be established on hardware that can drive those numbers.
Research the virtualization type behind your VPS Virtualization is the wizardry that allows your VPS to exist in the first place, and you’ll want to make sure that the backbone of your VPS is intelligently designed, deployed efficiently, and set up to provide you with the kind of hosting results you’re looking for.
Operating system virtualization, hardware emulation, and paravirtualization are three different types of virtualization that most VPS systems are run off of today, and finding the right one to meet your needs is very important.
Look for a flexible VPS provider One of the biggest advantages to moving forward with a VPS compared to a dedicated server, for example, is that you’ll be able to unlock a lot of extra flexibility you and have been able to before.
At the same time, you need to make sure that your VPS provider is giving you all of the flexibility that you deserve and not holding back any resources that you could really leverage. We recommend MyHosting and InterServer for which you can find decent savings through the coupons and promo codes they offer once in a while
Go with the best value VPS (and not necessarily the cheapest) There is a huge difference between looking for the cheapest VPS on the planet and finding the right VPS that offers you the perfect blend between price, power, performance, and reliability.
Do not penny pinch what it comes to choosing a VPS. This is going to act as the foundation of your online efforts, and may be responsible for supporting the only interaction that your customers have with your business. You can’t afford to skimp, but you shouldn’t break the bank, either. Rate:
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