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5 Reasons Your Church Or Ministry Needs An App

15-04-2017, 09:46

People are spending more time on their mobile devices today than ever before, and much of that time is spent on apps. This means that one of the best ways businesses and organizations can keep in touch with and respond to their customers, clients, and/or members is through apps, and churches are no different.


Most churches these days have a website, but far fewer have an actual app, let alone an app that is beneficial to the user. But even if you’re not yet convinced that your particular church or ministry is truly in need of an app, here are five reasons it actually does:

5 Reasons Your Church Or Ministry Needs An App


1. You Can Interact With Your Members

The biggest reason to have a church app is so you can interact with your members outside of your physical church building. For example, your users will be able to engage with your church through the app by submitting prayer requests, asking questions about upcoming events, or even conversing with one another.


2. Reach Out To Those Who Can’t Come On Sunday

There are probably plenty of people who would like to come to your church to worship on Sunday, but are unable to do so for a variety of reasons (sickness, travel, unexpected circumstances etc.). However, your app will allow you to stream your services so those people will be able to watch it from wherever they are and whenever is convenient for them.


3. Inform Your Members Of New Information and Events


So long as you utilize an event calendar tool, you will be able to notify your app users of relevant information, upcoming events, and so on. Your app will actually streamline things for your members because instead of having to check up on your website or your social media pages, they can simply check the app instead.



4. Reach Out To More People

Your church will only grow if you can attract more people to it, and in this day-and-age marketing your app can be one of the most effective ways to go about this. For example, you can promote your app on social media or your church blog, get in contact with other church bloggers and cross promote your app there, or gather an e-mail list and promote your app that way.


Younger people in particular will probably be more interested in attending your church once they see you have an app, because that signals to them that your church is modern and keeping itself up-to-date with the changing technological times.


5. Strengthening Your Existing Church Community

Finally, your app won’t just give you the opportunity to reach out to more people who might be interested in attending your church, it also gives you the unique opportunity to strengthen your existing community as well. Since you can integrate your website and social media pages into your app, your app will essentially serve as a central digital hub where your members can gather and find the news and information they need.


Building An App For Your Church

Having a mobile app is a major step forward for any church and will help solidify your digital presence. Hopefully the benefits we have gone over in this article will compel you into having a quality app professionally built for your particular church.

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