Twitter and Business: The Perfect PairBusinesses around the world use Twitter as a way to drive sales and connect with customers. Businesses use Twitter to learn about their customers and their interests, provide customer service, connect with experts and drive brand awareness. How does Twitter for business work?
Twitter Basics ![]() Twitter is different from other social media venues. Learning the ropes first is important if you want to make an impact. Here is a list of the most common Twitter terms and their definitions: Tweet: Twitter messages are called tweets. Tweets contain 140 characters or fewer and may contain videos, links, text and photos. Retweet: A retweet is tweet from another user that you share with your own followers. Reply: Respond to a tweet by clicking Reply. Favorite: Clicking Favorite makes it easy to find a favorite tweet later and acknowledges your appreciation for the message. Mention: A Mention is when you draw another user's attention to a specific tweet by including their @username in your message. Handle: Your handle is your account username. Hashtag: A hashtag begins with the # symbol and typically precedes a word, phrase or name. The hashtag makes it easier to find Twitter content related to the specific subject or keyword. Building Your Twitter Profile Now that you know the jargon, It's time to get started. Your username should be 15 characters or fewer and reflect your business. Use a profile photo that that fits into a small space and accurately reflects your business. You can use a logo or picture of a person as long as it fits the recommend 400x400 pixel requirement. The profile picture is the icon that accompanies each tweet. Choose wisely. Your header image should be 1500x500 pixels. Get creative with your header image. Include photos and copy that promotes sales or highlights specials. Write a concise description of your business, what it does and why it's different in fewer than 160 characters for your Twitter bio. Add a clickable website link to your profile to make it easy for customers click through to your site. Include hours of operation and location. Let the Tweets Begin Sit back and observe before you start tweeting. Check out your competitor's Twitter pages to see how they interact with their followers. Search for relevant conversations with Get a feel for how other businesses use Twitter and compose tweets. Your initial focus should be on follower interaction, not promotion. Sharing your favorite tweets and replying should make up 80 percent of your initial content. After you build a following, throw in a few promotions and direct offers. Making Twitter Work for You Twitter is a marvelous tool to show off your business personality, style and humor. Tweets that show behind-the-scenes action at your business engage followers. Avoid exaggerated claims and overly promotional jargon. Build a relationship with your followers without drowning them in sales speak. Rate:
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