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Can having a blog in university offer new opportunities?

23-02-2017, 11:19

Can having a blog in university offer new opportunities

Personal blogs are some of the most popular websites on the internet and hold value for both readers and the writer. Bloggers supply free, interesting content to readers, but in return they are rewarded with a reputational boost that can lead to job offers and long-lasting careers. University students are ideally placed to gain from the blogging phenomenon, making productive use of spare time while building their skills and future career prospects.


Learning through blogging


As with many hobbies in life, it is what you learn while blogging that can be the most valuable benefit. If you are completely new to writing content, publishing your own blog is an excellent way to build your writing skills. Composing interesting articles is not only about getting the spelling and grammar right, but also about understanding how to construct an article in a way that compels readers to continue to the end.


Logical, clearly composed articles are more easily understood, and regular blogging will teach you how to write in a way that holds the attention of your readers and that successfully pushes across your message. These are important life skills that will help you in the workplace; being able to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas to your colleagues from the very start will put you a step ahead.


Sometimes, it is helpful to get a jump start in your blogging journey, and the many writing courses on offer at universities such as Bolton University can teach you the basic skills involved in good writing. There are also courses in online marketing and effective social media management, which can help you to promote your blog and to boost readership.

The benefits of publishing a blog at university

Aside from the skills that you learn, having your own blog at university is one of the best ways to attract interest in you as a student. If your blog is successful and widely read, employers will sit up and take notice, with top bloggers especially attractive in fields such as marketing and public relations. If you can illustrate that you can relate to the public even before you have started in formal work, prospective employers will be keen to snatch you up once you graduate.


Blogging is also useful for the value that it adds to your curriculum vitae. As graduates jostle for positions towards the end of their university programmes, it helps if you stand out in some way. Extracurricular activities such as blogging suggest to a prospective employer that you have gained skills outside of your degree requirements, illustrating enthusiasm and a self-starter mentality – both skills very highly valued in the workplace.

A life skill that you will always use

Starting a blog through university will provide you with skills, knowledge and an understanding of communicating with other people that you will find useful for the rest of your life. Both in the workplace and outside work, good writing and communication skills are invaluable. Aside from the direct benefits of blogging, such as landing a job after graduation, it is these communication skills that you could find the most beneficial aspect of starting your own blog.

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