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Why Obtaining More Qualifications Will Boost Your Career Opportunities

21-02-2017, 14:34
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Setting yourself apart from the competition is crucial if you want to land a well-paid rewarding job, with plenty of scope for career advancement. Employers are becoming increasingly selective now that there is such a large pool of skilled talent for them to pick and choose from, and even if you are the best candidate for the job, they may not even get around to looking at your application if you can't tick every box. The most important box by far is the one for your college degree.

Why Obtaining More Qualifications Will Boost Your Career Opportunities

Employers Routinely Seek Candidates with the Most Qualifications

The most common method that employers and recruitment agencies use to narrow down a huge field of candidates that inevitably apply for most positions advertised is to pre-qualify applicants by stating that certain qualifications are needed for even the most basic positions.

If you don't have a degree you'll find yourself increasingly shut out of the job market. So obtaining a degree is a very good idea.

But don't rest easy on your laurels if you already hold a degree. Millions of other job seekers hold degrees too, so you'll need to find a way to set yourself apart from the herd. Sometimes, relevant job experience will be all that you need, along with a great interview technique, but often you'll gain an edge over the competition if you have hold a master’s degree when the majority of your co-applicants only hold a bachelors.

Factors to Consider Before You Sign Up For College

If you aren't already working then you have the most flexibility when it comes to returning to school for a master’s degree. But if you already work and quitting your job to return to school full-time just isn't an option for you, then the best route to a master’s degree is via an online degree program.

You can fit your course work in around your other obligations and because you don't need to pay for campus accommodation, an online degree is significantly less expensive than a traditional brick and mortar degree.

You will need to check out your degree program to make sure that it's being delivered by an accredited school with a good reputation. Employers won't be impressed by a degree from an unaccredited school and any money that you spent will have been wasted.

What Type Of Degrees Can You Study For Online?

Colleges and universities are bringing more of their courses online each year, so you'll have a huge choice of degree programs at both the bachelor's and the master’s degree level to choose from.

To give yourself the best opportunities in the future you should look at employment trends and make sure that the qualifications that you get will still be relevant in ten or twenty years. On the other hand, if you are studying to work in the field of medicine, you must keep in mind that some qualifications might have to be renewed, simply because of the nature of the job. Luckily these so-called recertifications, such as ACLS recertification is, for example, can also be done online.

One of the most secure industries to work in is the healthcare industry, and as technology becomes ever more closely intertwined with all aspects of healthcare delivery, a masters in health informatics (MSHI) would be a good choice. You can take a look at the online MSHI program offered by Adelphi University to learn more about the career opportunities available to holders of this degree.

Studying for more qualifications is a sound investment in your future and as long as you choose your degree program with care, you can expect your degree to be well worth the time and money spent obtaining it.

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