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Best Practices for Direct Response Marketing & Web Design

23-11-2015, 14:06
2 728

Response Marketing and Web Design

For most businesses the job of a website is to generate enquiries and sales. While many websites are able to attract plenty of traffic, it is a completely different story to turn these visitors into conversions and sales.
Globally millions of dollars are invested everyday in driving traffic to websites. Search engine marketing, search engine optimization and social media marketing are examples of activities designed to ensure sites are found and people visit them.
But what happens when people land on a website? Are they converting at a good rate? Are websites designed effectively to generate the best results?

The truth is that most websites can be improved by implementing best practice direct response marketing techniques and web design principles. Most websites only take advantage of a fraction of the available options and as a result do not maximize their potential or contribute to the business as they should.
Response Marketing and Web Design

The two key areas that ensure websites convert effectively are content and design related. And these key principles apply worldwide; it does not matter if you rely on web design Dubai services, web development in the USA or technical and design support in Europe.

Content Related Direct Response Techniques
  • The first key content element is the headline or value proposition. If people visit a website or a specific page, and their attention is not grabbed in the first few seconds, it has failed and the prospect is highly likely to leave the site quickly.

Headlines and value propositions which are most effective make it very clear who the prospect is, what problem will be solved and what positive outcomes will be created.
  • The second content element to consider is the copy on the page. The most important content elements are the benefits potential clients will gain. A lot of businesses focus on who they are and what they do, without explaining how clients can benefit from working with them. This means that the copy on the page needs contain more "you” statements compared to "I/we” sentences.
  • The third content element which cannot be missed is the ‘call to action’. Clearly explaining what the next steps are and how to take theseis the best way to get prospects to do what you want them to do – take action. This can be in the form of sending an enquiry, signing up to a newsletter, receiving free information or making a purchase. The most effective calls to action contain benefit statements, stay away from ‘order now’, or ‘submit’ text.
  • The content on the page needs to be easy to read and navigate to maximize conversions. If content is hard to follow, with long text blocks and without clear breaks,visitors are unlikely to read the information. Subheadings, bullet points and numbered points are methods that can be used to guide visitors effectively along the page.
Selecting the right font types and size, with a strong contrast against the background also assists in keeping visitors engaged and reading the information on a website. In addition to that, using bold and italics will draw attention to important words and phrases.

Web Design Related Direct Response Techniques
  • First impressions count. That is why it is important that websites are designed to generate maximum impact quickly. This can be achieved by providing the most important information prospects need above the fold and adding strong benefit statements and calls to action.

If potential clients are required to scroll down the page before they can get a clear understanding what a business is about, how they can benefit, and what their next steps are, it is highly likely that conversion rates will be lower than they could be.
  • Using a clean and uncluttered page design is the second key element to ensure that prospects will convert. This involves removing any content, images and text that not directly contributes to converting visitors. Website features that distract people and should be avoided are slideshows, image heavy backgrounds and flashing elements.
  • Proof and trust building elements are very important tools to persuade visitors, these are the third key web design elements that will improve conversions. Benefit statements and a strong call to action are the key components above the fold, however adding trust elements in a supporting section will yield great results. Visitors always look for proof that what is promised will be delivered. Testimonials from customers and industry experts, logos of clients and partners a business works with, accreditations and guarantees are effective ways to build credibility and trust.
  • The fourth key design element to improve response rates is including video and audio. Unless a visitor is highly engaged they are unlikely to invest a lot of time reading a lot of information. By adding a video or audio section to a website businesses can engage visitors and help them to process information quickly.
When businesses want to incorporate direct response techniques into their website, or create specific direct response marketing campaigns, the best place to start is to consider their potential clients. What are they looking for, what do they want to achieve, and how do they prefer to get to that point? With this information, combined with the key elements outlined in this article, a highly focused page or website can be created.

That is how people visiting websites can be encouraged to respond and take action.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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