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» » What Things to Consider Before Making Wallpaper Style Template

What Things to Consider Before Making Wallpaper Style Template

4-06-2018, 16:52

Wallpaper websites hold a prominent place in the online world of interior decoration. Many template designers have attained proficiency in the designing of suitable templates for wallpaper related websites and services. The core element of all these templates revolves around the transmission of several interior decoration ideas which involve the use of various types of wallpapers.

What Things to Consider Before Making Wallpaper Style Template

Here are a few tips which can help you create professional yet creative wallpaper styled template:

  1. Use a custom logo:

Addition of a catchy logo in a template is of great to enhance the professionalism of your products and services. Customers are more likely to purchase from an online store which features a cool and catchy logo depicting their creativity and professionalism. For a wallpapers website, creative logos attain a higher importance. If you are able to incorporate your brand’s name in your logo, it will look better. Make sure that your template offers a proper space for the placement of brand name and logo without disrupting its resolutions and clarity.

  1. Navigation bar:

A navigation panel is a necessary element of every website template. In case of wallpaper website, the template should feature all the types of wallpapers the site has to offer separately placed in drop-down tabs. The drop-down windows should display links to sub-categories in an orderly manner. You can find a good example of a proper navigation bar at

  1. Align page layout:

For page layout, the selection of a proper theme which features a proper text alignment is important. Your template should feature overlapping elements to predict the usability of the wallpapers. For example, you can use a stylish background which overlays the description of wallpaper types.

  1. Use Plugins:

For the creation of a wallpapers website, the use of videos and picture sliders is important to build a solid wallpaper gallery. A good wallpaper gallery will work wonders in captivating the interest of the users which visit your website. For this purpose, use of plugins in your website template can prove to be of great use. Plugins will not only enhance the functionality of your website but also add an element of sleekness in your wallpaper gallery. Moreover, you can get inquiry forms filled and have a live chat with customers by using this plug-in in your template.

  1. Customize graphics elements:

The use of customizing graphic elements is another plus point in increasing the readability and appeal of your template. By using combinations of soft colors with a number of geometric graphics elements, you can display new styling ideas in your template. This will add a stroke of uniqueness to your template and make it stand out from the crowd.

  1. Add catchy stock photos:

Your wall-paper styled template should work as a virtual wall for displaying of wallpapers and other related products. By uploading catchy stock photos or product photos in your template, you will ensure that maximum visitors like your services. Hire a professional photographer for this purpose.

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