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Web Hosting For Start-ups

28-09-2016, 12:27
1 336

Web Hosting For Start-ups

Like every business, start-ups need a website. The design and build of that website is important, but what about web hosting for start-ups? With money likely to be tight, finding the right web host for your start-up won’t be an easy decision.

However, research can help make the process of identifying a web host for your start-up a simpler one. Before agreeing to any web hosting plan, make sure you can see the full picture and have a well-defined strategy for your website, at least for the next 12 months.

Here are five things to consider when looking for web hosting for start-ups:

  1. It’s not all down to cost
    You’ll be counting the pennies in the early days as a start-up and so cost is likely to be a large consideration in every purchasing consideration, including buying web hosting. You can get plans from as little as 99p per month and as high as you want to go. It’s important to consider what each web hosting plan offers though. Tying yourself in to a plan which you outgrow within a couple of months could end up being more expensive on the medium and long-term.

  2. Identify the needs of your website
    If your website will feature complex functionality, large image libraries or product catalogues, then you will likely need to factor in a higher amount of storage, bandwidth and perhaps extra features such as SQL databases within your web hosting.

    If, on the other hand, your website is merely some marketing copy and engagement tools, then you may be able to get a more basic plan. Knowing this information from day one and having a clear strategy for your website is vital when choosing your first web host.

  3. Admin tools
    Once you have identified a shortlist of potential web hosts, it’s worth spending some time looking at what admin tools are available with each web hosting package. You will find that each managed web hosting plan will have access to similar control panels or back-end dashboards. Read user reviews and comments about each, and once again make sure you identify any requirements you have that may or may not be possible with some admin tools.

  4. Template-based website
    If you are using a template-based platform that offers website designs without the need for a developer, it is likely you won’t need to look elsewhere for hosting as this will come packaged with the website. However, if this is the approach you are settled on you need to beware of future proofing your website. What if in 18 months you wish to move this site outside of the host? Can you take the design with you, and will it run on an independent web hosting platform?

  5. Customer support
    Last and by no means least is customer support. As a start-up business, your time is going to be spread thin already as you try to manage many facets of your new company. But you need to ensure you have help at hand should anything go wrong, and this includes with your web hosting.

    Make sure you fully analyse the customer support services offered by the web hosts you have shortlisted. Anything other than 24/7 support should be discounted as the vast majority of web hosting providers now offer this.

    Furthermore, having features such as user forums, live chat systems and a secure way of logging and tracking support tickets are all good options to have available from your web hosting company. These will give you greater peace of mind as you have multiple ways of contacting the relevant support teams if any problems with your web hosting arise.

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