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The Books Wordpress Shop Theme Template

9-11-2012, 10:53
3 592

Free The Books Wordpress Shop Theme Template

One of the awesome free books store shop wooden wordpress themes templates with responsive modern web design is what you need to run a books review blog website. The book wordpress theme template uses latest WordPress features like taxonomies, regular blog posts, metaboxes, custom post types.. etc and the design is inspired from the iBooks app. Ththeme e options page in the adminpanel give you the choice to run a book review showcase or blog on the front page for this last option you can make use of the custom page template called “Blog” within the theme. You can check the demo to see the theme in action.

  • Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools integration

  • Logo .PSD file and Font Files are Included in Theme Folder

  • Easy to use options page

  • Featured Image Ready

  • Compatible with latest WordPress versions

  • Widgets Ready

  • SEO Optimizedy

  • Feedburner Integration

  • Built-in pagination plugin to navigate through pages easily

  • Fixed width

  • Gravatar on Comments

  • Tested and compatible with all major browsers: IE, FF, Safari

  • Template Author: Web2feel

This work is Made Under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License, This means you may use it and make any changes you like, However, credit links must remain on footer for legal use, this Theme Was Tested on The Latest Wordpress Version Also, Please Share This Article if You like it. If You Found This Post Interesting Please Subscribe To Our RSS Feed !

The Books Wordpress Shop Theme Template

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The Books Wordpress Shop Theme Template

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