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» » Premium Wooden Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Premium Wooden Portfolio Wordpress Theme

18-01-2013, 09:36
3 162

Premium Wooden Portfolio Wordpress Theme

Awesome wordpress unique designed wooden portfolio premium theme template is not only that it is perfect for your personal blog or portfolio website, but you can even post videos, photos, links from your iPhone and smartphones. This theme features mobile control directly from your iPhonene click auto install, Built-in SEO & marketing and Fuse framework.
An amazing top jquery slidershow and ready social bookmarking buttons plus a lot of other options :
- Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools integration
- Logo .PSD file and Font Files are Included in Theme Folder
- Easy to use options page
- 2 Columns
- Featured Image Ready
- Compatible with latest WordPress versions
- Widgets Ready
- Feedburner Integration
- Built-in pagination plugin to navigate through pages easily
- Fixed width
- Gravatar on Comments
- Tested and compatible with all major browsers: IE, FF, Safari

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