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How To Choose The Perfect Domain For Your Website

10-07-2023, 15:35

Domain names have changed drastically over the years. We have come a long way from the 2001 dot-com bubble. Today, we have thousands of domain extensions, including generic and country specific domains. If you are planning develop a new website, you should first take the time to choose a domain that fits your website purpose. Read more below to learn how to choose the perfect domain for your website.

How To Choose The Perfect Domain For Your Website

List Your Brand Priorities


The first step to choosing a domain, create a list of priorities. You want to have a domain that is memorable, but also serves the greater purpose of your website. For example a branded ecommerce website would use the name of the company in the domain. Meanwhile, a music fan blog might try to include keywords or relevant terms. In either case, you should prioritize the types of words or brands to include in the domain. Then, you should list out other priorities like memorability, conciseness and brand-able. With a strong list of domain attributes, you will be prepared to choose a name that meets your standards.

Domain Tools And Generators


Secondly, you can start to generate domain name ideas using various online tools. There are many domain name suggestion tools that will give you several ideas of how to create a perfect domain name. Use these tools as a starting point to get your creative juices flowing. Many times, they have default additions to keywords or brands that have worked for others when trying to find the right domain. After using a few generators, you should be able to come up with quite a few unique domain name ideas that meet your requirements.

Research Your Domain Options


With your short-list in hand, it’s time to start researching your domain options. Since most one word and short domains are taken, you will have to evaluate which of your top domain picks are available. Often times, all of your best domain ideas are already taken. That is okay. It means you are on the right track of choosing a good website domain. You can still reach out to the domain owner and make an offer. Or, you can modify the domain slightly to create something unique that isn’t registered yet. Try to get a few options of domain names that you could see yourself using for the website.

Test The Pronunciation With Others


Afterwards, talk to people in your target audience to test your domain name. You should be able to say, "Can you please go to” If they respond with a yes, that means your domain can be easily understood and communicated to others. Preferably, talk to different people to test out a number of different domain names. You will be surprised that not everyone will understand, spell or hear the domain the way you do. With some real market testing, one or two of the domain names will become the obvious winners for building your website.

Consider gTLD Alternatives


Now that you have a few options, you should try to acquire the .com domain extension along with a relevant generic Top Level Domain (gTLD). These domains have industry specific extensions that could define your category and give you the opportunity to get a one word domain or provide further context to a branded name. In any case, consider the latest types of domains when registering the perfect name for your website.

The most well known websites have great domain names. If you want to choose the perfect domain, you must have the right priorities, ideas, research, testing and extension. These steps will help you though the process successfully and make your website one to remember.

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