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Can I Design My Own Mobile Apps?

12-11-2023, 15:20

How is your company’s app performing?

You don’t have one yet? Then you’re missing out on a large percentage of possible business.

Can I Design My Own Mobile Apps

1.If You’re not Doing it You’re Losing the Race

You can design an app to showcase your business. Alternatively sell an app that solves a modern day challenge.

If it’s about business it’s not only about making sales. You want your audience—clients—to interact with you.

This is where apps come into play. I understand you may not have this as part of your annual budget yet. I hope you include it in future.

This still isn’t a good enough reason not to have an app. Don’t tell me you don’t have the resources. You can design your own mobile apps. The design process can even be fun and beneficial to your long term plans.

Find out which features your clients prefer. Experiment with different styles to determine the one best suited to your business.

At the end of the process your application will be a powerful tool.

Here’s how you get started.

2.Use an App to Design an App

Your answer is easy. Simply use an app to create your own.

You can take your pick from websites who offer easy app services. They guide you through user friendly steps. From creating to distributing will all be managed from one platform.

3.You Don’t need Programming Skills

Do you embrace new developments or does the unknown make you retreat?

Application developers know the challenges their clients face. They make it super easy for everyone to design their own mobile apps.

Usually applications already has the back end tended to. Templates with a range of styles are ready to be used. All you have to do is drag and drop relevant features into your app.

You’ll find templates for:





-Services such as restaurants

Start with these basics. You can customize the app as you realize what your audience requires.

If you can operate software on your computer you can do this!

4.It’s Affordable

Your hosts make apps viable even when your budget still prioritizes other business features.

Since you’re doing the designing yourself you only have to pay for the application’s hosting.

You’ll even find hosts that offer everything for free. These can be your perfect option but scrutinize the package before your pour in effort:

-Does the host offer technical support? Any application will hit snags. If you’re not an expert how will you fix these?

-Does the host offer a wide variety of options? The features must be in line with your business’ requirements.

Free hosting works because companies know you’ll fall in love with what your app can do. If you want to improve it you’ll need their expert developers later on. This isn’t a bad idea. Simply make sure the free version is sustainable until you can afford a professionally designed app.

5.Pick an Operating System

Don’t block a percentage of your customers by not catering for them. If your application must complement your business it must be accessible by all possible clients. Different versions for all operating systems are essential including:

-iOS on Apple devices

-Windows software

-Android devices

-Black Berry operating systems

You can start with one version but mention that other versions will soon be launched. Keep your community informed via your website and social media posts. You don’t want people to be prejudiced against your business because they feel excluded.

6.Make it Available

Where will people find your app?


The obvious place to start is on your website. Make sure the link to download is clearly visible. Add the link to every page to give it optimum exposure.

Social Media

Not all your clients visit your website. You do want as many of them to join your app community.

Use social media to announce and promote your application. Most people browse these platforms via their Smartphones. They can instantly download it without even switching to another device.

App Stores

App hosts offer to place your application on app stores. Make sure your hosts target the most prominent ones for optimum exposure.

Are you going to sell your app or make it available for free? Even if your app provides a service it’s prudent to offer the basic version for free. Upgrades can require payment from them. By then your users know the value of the application and don’t mind the investment.

7.Practise Makes Perfect

You’ll be surprized when you see the expert designers’ timelines. Huge chunks are allocated to testing. They leave nothing to chance. Neither should you.


Each part of an application needs to be properly tested. You must plan for this in your timeline.

Make it fun by involving your family or employees. They can download and test the app first. Ask them to test all features and give you general feedback.

If anything doesn’t make sense to them your clients will feel the same. This is your first step in improving your app.


You’ll never stop working on your app. There are too many developments in the market. If your app stagnates it will lose its impact.

Prepare yourself—and schedule it on your calendar—to make regular adjustments and improvements to your app. These include:

-Changes based on clients’ feedback

-Adding new information, products or features

-Fixing problems that result from software updates

8.Have a Backup Plan

Do you have what it takes to draw optimum benefits from mobile apps? Enlisting the help of professional designers may be prudent.

You’ll gain much experience and feedback when you design an app yourself. Take this to a professional app designer.

As with many aspects of business outsourcing makes sense. He or she can elevate the impact of your app.

Move with the times. If you want to make your mark an app is your answer. What better way to place your business features or bright idea in the hands of customers? You can design your own mobile app in under an hour. Ready to get started?

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