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How to Attract More Customers by Expanding Your Presence Online

10-06-2017, 14:24
3 816

The Internet has democratized businesses the world over. Even with a limited investment, anyone can start a company online. Of course, with millions of other sites to contend with, the competition can seem daunting. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way. If you want to make an impact on your customer base and bottom line, you are going to have to expand your presence and some of your resources. Continue reading to learn more.

How to Attract More Customers by Expanding Your Presence Online

Create a better user experience

Online consumers will not wait around for your site to load, and they don't want to look at ill-functioning website. If they can't find what they're looking for in a few clicks, they will leave.

In addition, the user experience is a major priority of search engines--they do no not want to send people to outdated and slow websites. This is why, if you want to expand your online presence, you must create a rich user experience. If you don't have the expertise, it pays to hire someone to do this for you. Here are the top three items to address:

·The website must be easily understood

·It must load quickly

·It must be easy to navigate

Work with your developer to highlight areas of improvement.

Hire the right people to market your products and pay them accordingly

There is a saying that you get what you pay for. If 96 percent of new businesses fail within the first 10 years, you really have to get the right people on your team and pay them fairly. If you are having issues with setting up your payroll, here is what you need to do:

·Fill out all paperwork

·Set up and document your payment terms

·Configure a system to monitor work hours

·Pay taxes before the deadline

Now that you have a system in place, you are more comfortable hiring a qualified online marketing team.

Have your product managers market your products

You want your products marketed by people who truly understand their features and benefits. It is critical to market your products and services effectively. A product manager can help alleviate any marketing issues by searching for solutions that match your business goals.

Furthermore, they should execute a study of user behavior, emotional needs and trends in your industry. You need to have an awareness of any potential obstacles so that you can create a plan to adapt and change.

Choose the right social channels

Expanding your business online does not mean you need to be everywhere, at all times. Instead, you want to pick the social channels your customers use--this would make the most impact on your business. For starters, you should at least focus on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Then, spend about 30 minutes daily curating content personalized for your target market. The next part is sharing content. There is an 80/20 rule of social media--80 percent should be shared content while 20 percent should be pushing your content.


Go above and beyond blogging

While content is still king, there are other options for growing your online presence such as:

·Uploading videos on YouTube

·Creating infographics

·Publishing case studies

·Hosting a podcast

·Publishing a White Paper

·Hosting a webinar

You want to ensure you post high-quality content that leaders in your industry would be proud to pass around.

Boosting your online presence takes an efficient strategy and time. Nonetheless, it is a requirement for all businesses wanting a lifetime supply of clients.

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