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» » AlienT PHPNuke Gamers Black Theme Template

AlienT PHPNuke Gamers Black Theme Template

6-07-2019, 11:56
5 510

AlienT PHPNuke Gamers Black Website Theme Template

AlienT PHPNuke Gamers Black Website Theme Template. A theme base on the Alien movies, consisting of mostly dark colours, lots of black & grays with a tech like feel to the graphics, this theme is suitible for various clan or guild websites.

Free AlienT PHPNuke Gamers Black Theme Template Download

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And Remember that this template is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Meaning you are not allowed to remove footer credits for that you must purchase a License from Author's Website!!
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шаблоны для dle 11.2

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Comments (2)
Imperio 5 July 2019 22:07
links not working

no funcionan los links
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User offline Offline templates4all 6 July 2019 11:57
Thank you for reporting this.

The theme was updated and it's available to download now ;)

Best Regards
Be Nice and Leave a Thank You Message ;)
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