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NT Free Premium Medical Dental WordPress Theme

28-11-2016, 19:12
2 043

Free Premium Medical Dental WordPress Theme

Clean free permium dental WordPress theme to download and to use on your medical relared websites. NT Indece Responsive WordPress theme that targets for medical and dental care websites. This is an elegant template for dentistry, the professional care of teeth, including professional oral hygiene and dental surgery to create online marketing solutions and custom responsive website development for health companies and medical organizations. Moreover, it makes the services of the dental care more appealing to visitors and increase customers with elegant design. NT Indece makes your sites ready to display on any mobile and tablet version with 100% responsive layout, clean and stylish. It comes with unlimited color and a color picker in the admin panel. It builds from powerful framework with fully bootstrap supporting strong shortcodes, drag-drop layout content, Bootstrap CSS & Hybrid framework.


RESPONSIVE DESIGN SUPPORT MOBILE/TABLET DEVICES : 100% design in template support mobile/tablet devices, it means you have good layout and style in mobile/tablet devices instead for using default layout in desktop. So, your customer can easy to see your product and content in the phone or tablets.
STRONG DRAG-DROP CONTENT WITH LAYERSWP : With LayersWP embed framework in our template, you can easy to create content by drag-drop, it’s very simple without coding skills. By removing endless design options and features, Layers provides you with just enough choice to create a beautiful site while still maintaining the fundamentals of good design.

Theme By: Navythemes

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