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SeedingUp | Digital Content Marketing

Shielding Smartphones: Just How Vulnerable are Mobile Devices to Data Breach?
19-09-2019, 23:56
We depend on our mobile devices to process and store a series of personal digital information. Our digital actions from checking our bank balance to purchasing for merchandise with just a press on the screen, to sending family and friends messages through social media...
6 Foundations For Understanding SEO
19-09-2019, 17:06
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the name provided to activity seeking to enhance search engine rankings....
How to Best Layout Your Business Website
12-09-2019, 12:15
If you're a business owner who’s just starting out, you want to get your website set up as soon as you can. With today’s reliance on the internet, it’s vital to your company’s success to have a functioning and user-friendly online resource...
How Keywords Can Help You Improve Your Google Rankings
2-09-2019, 11:13
Google ranking refers to the position your website or blog is at on the search engine results page. Many factors determine a particular site’s or blog’s ranking. According to research, one essential factor that determines the Google ranking of your website is the keywords used...
How to create a landing page if you are a noob in designing websites
27-08-2019, 21:15
Have you been dreaming about having your own perfect landing page? No wonder – this marketing tool is a powerful thing that can boost your sales and significantly increase recognition and trust for your brand....
5 Tips for Designing Web Pages with Heavy Content
8-08-2019, 15:21
As most professionals already know, the way a web page looks is just as important –– if not more so–– than the information it contains. Indeed, web design can influence consumer behavior in a number of ways; it can inspire trust and confidence, or it can confuse and irritate. ...
SEO Checklist Before Launching a New Website
24-07-2019, 17:13
Most new marketers focus on website design only to appeal to the potential customers before launching a new website but is that enough? We have highlighted a few important factors below which you need to check for before launching a new website...
Guidelines for Writing an Effective Research Paper
20-06-2019, 19:34
A research paper is basically a type of academic writing where everything has been jotted down based on proper research theoretically and factually. It is also an amalgamation of arguments based on a thesis with the necessary evidence from trustworthy sources. Going by the research ethics can also
Simple tips for improving your domain authority
14-06-2019, 23:54
In the world of online marketing and search engine optimisation, the term domain authority is something that is heard quite a lot? It sounds very fancy, but what exactly is it? In short, it is a measurement that describes a websites relevance to a specific subject field or area. ...
How to Start Your Own Web Design Company
3-06-2019, 13:03
If you have a flair for web design, it might be time to put your knowledge and skills to work by launching your own web design business. However, it is important not to rush into starting your agency, as there are many factors you must consider to secure your brand’s immediate success....
Top 5 Tips To Become An Expert Scrum Master
3-06-2019, 12:21
When you become a Scrum Master, you come with the basic training from a Certified Scrum Master Course. Though it is enough to set you up on a path with adequate agile mind and knowledge-base, however, there are certain traits that you need to develop during the course of your journey....