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Designing a Customer-Friendly E-Commerce Website

20-09-2019, 13:00

Starting up your own online business has never been easier. However, if you want to achieve long-term success, you need to design an e-commerce site that is as intuitive and easy to use as possible. Here’s how you can do that and create an e-commerce site that’s built to last.

Designing a Customer-Friendly E-Commerce Website

Sort Out Your Navigation

Most internet users will find the website that they need through a simple Google search, and this is a fine way for people to discover your store and specific pages on it. However, in the long-term, you are going to want to ensure that the users who come to your website to browse, rather than search for specific items, can do so as easily as possible.

Optimize Your Homepage

Your homepage is your store’s digital storefront. As the first thing that visitors see, it will greatly influence their opinion of your business. A poorly-optimized homepage is one that is cluttered and difficult to navigate. Conversely, a well-optimized homepage will present visitors only with what they need to work out where to go next.

Make it Easily Searchable

The key to any successful e-commerce website lies in making sure that it is easy for your users to find what they want. If finding stuff on your store is awkward and difficult, users will simply move on to the next option.
Adding a search function to your store is one thing, but you need to think about what users will be searching for. This doesn’t mean specific products but the type of data they will look for. For example, if you sell books, your users may well want to search according to ISBN number. On the other hand, if you sell electronics components, your customers might search for an electronic part number, such as they would using octopart, a parts search engine.
Using a sensible range of product categories will also ensure that your users can quickly browse what they need. However, if you have too many categories, you will end up slowing down your users. You need to find a balance between ensuring that it is easy for your users to find the categories they need and having so many categories it is overwhelming.

Don’t Add Extraneous Features

One of the most common mistakes that people make when designing websites, including e-commerce sites, is to add features just because they can. Just because a feature seems cool, this doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for your store. Any additional features or plugins you add to your site should be there for a clear and specific purpose.

Make it Mobile Friendly

Given how much internet browsing is done on mobile devices, no e-commerce store operating today can afford to overlook their mobile customers. You may want to launch an app for your e-commerce store further down the line, but this should augment your website instead of replacing it.
Designing a customer-friendly e-commerce site isn’t exactly rocket science, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Make sure that you are always putting yourself in the users’ shoes and considering the experience from their perspective. As long as you remain mindful of them, you can’t go too far wrong.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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