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7 Reasons Why Website Analytics is Important for Business Growth

17-05-2019, 13:16

7 Reasons Why Website Analytics is Important for Business Growth

Managing a growing company can be quite a challenge, especially when you're not equipped with the information needed to build relevance and brand awareness online. Utilizing web analytics is one way to give yourself an edge over the competition, which is always the first step in gaining more of a market share within your industry.

In case you're not yet familiar with this aspect of website administration, the term “web analytics” is broadly used to describe the processes, software, and metrics that are critical to analyzing the success of a website. By analyzing your site's traffic and visitor activity, you can gather all sorts of useful insights that will help you correct mistakes and optimize your efforts going forward.

With that said, here are seven reasons why website analysis is absolutely essential when you're trying to promote the growth of a business:

1. Assessing and Addressing Marketing Deficiencies

According to the Suffolk University online MBA in Business Intelligence program, web analytics is a fundamental requirement for any internet-based company that wants to maximize efficiency in their content development and marketing campaigns. By discovering and focusing on your site's weakest statistics, you can ensure your resources are being dedicated to the correction of shortcomings before proceeding with additional investments. In essence, the ability to conduct thorough analysis into your site's traffic and user behavior will ensure your company's online presence is firing on all cylinders.

2. Refining Your Content Strategy

Even at the most basic level of assessing daily and weekly visitor counts, web analytics will show you which of your pages are the most popular. With that simple information, you can devise a better content strategy by focusing on pieces that you know will be popular based on the performance of previously published content. Likewise, you can also see how many visitors are coming to your site from specific external links, which will help you decide which blogs you should continue guest posting on. Of course, it makes sense to write for the blogs that bring you the most traffic.

3. Providing Useful Data for Targeted Marketing

If you're not targeting a specific audience with your marketing campaigns, you're probably wasting some of your advertising budget on impressing upon low-value, low-interest leads. When combined with social media analysis through the use of extensions and tools like the Facebook tracking pixel, web analytics can tell you everything you need to know about your target audience.

4. Boosting SEO Metrics

Every SEO expert needs to have advanced knowledge of web analytics, and as the owner or manager of a growing company, it helps to be your own expert in this area. While you could outsource your SEO needs, it's better to take a hands-on approach if you want the best ongoing results in the most cost-effective manner.

5. Understanding Where Your Traffic is Coming From

When you know where your visitors are coming from, you can take steps to target that particular traffic source more frequently. For example, if you see that 90% of your site's traffic is coming from your YouTube channel, that would be a good indicator that you should put more effort into your video marketing and production campaigns.

6. Enhance eCommerce Sales

What website doesn't want to make more sales? Web analytics doesn't just track your traffic, it also keeps track of your site's sales data. Furthermore, many web analytics tools are compatible with accounting software and will let you easily export data in formats that can be used to swiftly input data in your favorite bookkeeping program.

7. Improve Conversion Rates

Every marketer and business wants to improve conversion rates. Web analytics can help you track this critical metric and take actionable steps to improve it. Additionally, conversion stats can be filtered based on a variety of criteria to show you data pertaining to specific landing pages and demographics.

Which Web Analytics Tools Should You Use?

Most people start with Google's suite of Webmaster Tools and move on to explore other options like Clicky, KISSMetrics, Open Web Analytics, Clicktale, and SEMRush. While the list of software and service providers is extremely lengthy, if you were to learn how to use a couple of the aforementioned tools, you'd have more than enough analytical power to drive forward your company's growth for years to come.

The good news is, the learning curve is generally moderate with these tools. So, within a few weeks of studying and using the interface of your chosen web analytics software or platform, you should have a solid enough understanding to manage all of your own analytical needs in-house. That's certainly a worthwhile investment to make when you consider how much a professional marketing firms charges for solid analytical reporting.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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