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How to Choose the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Sports Blog

10-07-2023, 15:35

There is nothing more exciting than a heated game between your favorite team and your team’s number one rival. It’s half time and you want to chat with someone about plays made in the first half and what you feel the coaches will do in the final moments of a close game. Will they bench the first line to give them a rest, calling up a new and obviously well rested defense or will they continue to push their key players to the limits? It’s time to find someone to bounce your thoughts off.

Choose the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Sports Blog

Chats on Major Networks a Bad Option

The only problem with trying to get a word in edgewise on the sports chat feature of major networks is that they are scrolling so fast you can’t read what others are saying and, quite obviously, they won’t be able to read what you have just posted either. Why not start your own sports blog, highlighting your favorite teams in each sport? If you are new to blogging, try WordPress sports themes. They are the easiest to launch and modify, which means you can feasibly be up and running the very first afternoon.

What to Look for in a WordPress Theme

Keeping a blog up and running can run into a bit of expense and this is the reason most sports blogs choose to sell athletic clothing and sports memorabilia from their blog. It’s also a nice way to earn a bit of extra cash you can put down on the next game, if you are so inclined. When choosing a WordPress theme, you may want to add shopping cart features so that visitors can purchase merchandise directly from your site or you could do a bit of affiliate marketing to earn a commission when any visitor clicks through from your blog to buy something from merchants you are affiliated with.

Freebies Your Visitors Will Love

You will also want a theme that has the option to post free games your visitors can play. Sometimes you can offer sports games on your site or at other sites like snooker free online games agame com. This will give your visitors something to do while waiting for halftime to end. With the adrenaline pumping, it’s hard to sit still waiting for the game to continue. You may also want to post a live scoreboard so that they can flip back to the game when the players are out of the locker room and back on the field or in the court. It’s amazing what these little WordPress plugins can do to keep visitors on your site.

There are dozens of WordPress themes designed specifically for sports blogs, so it’s just a matter of finding one that has the features you are looking for and the availability of plugins and widgets you can use to customize your site. Don’t forget to add a link to your social pages where fans can further engage, and that real time chat feature that enables you to cheer your team on in heat of the play. There is no one more social than a sports fan, so make sure that any theme you choose offers a way for your visitors to connect in support of your team.

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