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How to Create an App on Your Own Without Turning to a Developer

10-07-2023, 15:35

How to Create an App on Your Own Without Turning to a Developer

Marketing is an extremely important part of every business. Fortunately, there are tons of ways to market and a million tools to help you!

However, some marketing tools are a must, like apps. If you want to reach a wider audience and boost revenue, you have to design a mobile application. But how?

In the past you had to turn to an app developer. You still can, but today you don’t have to. No matter how technologically savvy you are, you can create your own mobile app. Here’s how.

Make Sure You Have a Marketable Idea

First, you have to make sure you have a good idea. This shouldn’t be a new concept. After all, you had to make sure you had a good idea before you started your business!

The trick is to create an app that people actually want to use. That means you should solve some sort of problem that your customers have. It might be easier access to coupons and discounts, purchase tracking, or something else.

The sky is the limit, but you have to make sure you have an idea that will translate to a useful app.

Look to Successful Apps for Inspiration

If you’re feeling a little stuck figuring out what kind of app to design, or if you have an idea but you aren’t sure how to make it work, turn to successful apps for inspiration.

You may be tempted to go back to the drawing board if you find apps out there that already do what yours does, but the opposite is true. Finding apps like yours that are successful is a good indication that yours will be as well.

Draw out Everything on Paper First

When designing an app, you probably assume it all has to be done using technology. That’s only true up to a point. It’s actually better to draw out your design on old fashioned paper first.

There are many benefits of handwriting. By drawing out your app by hand, you can:

·Structure the layout

·Think in-depth about clickable features

·Determine button placement

Another great thing about drawing out your app by hand is the fact that you can make changes a lot more quickly. It may take longer to figure out how to move stuff around once you’re actually designing your app.

Use a SaaS to Build Your App

The most powerful tool you have to build your app on your own is to use a SaaS, like BuildFire. Instead of requiring you to know code, a design platform allows you to move things around and see the features you’ve chosen without having to look at jumbled up letters and numbers. They make updating your app a breeze too!

Don’t think you have to hire a developer in order to get a professional-looking app. By following the tips on this list, you can create a stellar app that people actually want to use all on your own.

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