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» How To Install Joomla 1.5 and 1.0 Templates

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How To Install Joomla 1.5 and 1.0 Templates
How To Install Joomla Templates Via Admin Panel (Packed Template File) :

After You download a Free Joomla Template from our Website :

Log into the back-end of your site (

Click on: Extensions -> Install/Uninstall

You see the page "Extension Manager"

From here you can install your Templates, Plugins, Modules, Components and Languages. You have three options:

* Upload Package File - (select a package from your PC, upload and install it)
* Install from Directory - (enter the path where the package is located on your server)
* Install from URL - (enter the URL to the package)

Here, we choose the first method: Upload Package File

Select the package from your PC and click the button "Upload File & Install"

If the package contains no errors you are done and get a success message like the one below.

Install via FTP (unpacked template file)

Templates can also be installed via FTP without packaging them. Simply select the template folder on your PC and upload it to your web server hosting, using your favorite FTP software. Be sure you upload the template folder to the directory: /path_to_joomla/templates/ - where /path_to_joomla/ is the location of your Joomla! installation on the server. This method is mostly used when you have created a template yourself, and do not want to have to package it to install the template, or if you want to upload more than one template at once.

Note: Do not try to use FTP to install Components, Modules and Plugins if you are a beginner/novice. These items need database entries which have to be inserted manually if you bypass the package installer.

In this section we just give you a quick View about how to install joomla templates in your website, for more help and joomla tutorials you can check this :

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