SwiftBiz Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme![]() SwiftBiz Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme Premium Download. Swiftbiz Business WordPress Theme which packs all the essential ingredients for construction site, digital marketing, digital agency, live composer or any other business site. Create valuable and sale-worthy animation in your slider. Besides, you can also add classy 3D effects to enhance visibility. There are some built-in user-friendly features which allow you to create better appearance of your gallery and portfolio. Use of multiple devices bearing different screen sizes has been the emerging trend, but you need to worry… With our themes your site will look stunning across any device be it mobile, tablet, laptop or any gadget. It adapts the layout as per the screen size. You can make any change on the interface without disturbing the original settings of your parent site. Our themes provide for modifying your existing theme without any worry of losing out on modifications. SketchBoard Framework and Fully Responsive Layout, Cross Browser Compatibility and Translation Ready, Well Documented and Multi Level Navigation Support, Persistent Header and Static Header Image, Threaded Comments and Font Awesome Integration, Feature Boxes and Custom, Footer Section and Custom 404 page, 5+ Custom Page Templates and 4+ Custom Widgets, 3+ Blog Layouts and 3+ Page Layout, Post Format Support and Homepage with Sortable Section, Full Width Contact Template and Slider Revolution Plugin – $18, Mobile Navigation Activation Custom Breadcrumb and Inbuilt Custom Pagination.... Rate:
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