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Simple ways to design career related templates

13-09-2018, 22:59

Job market is pretty much tough these days. This is why everyone is ensuring that there job application stands out among different applicants. There has been a lot of debate around creation of visually engaging resumes and cover letters in order to increase the chances of success.
Most applicants look out for resources such as headhunter for successful applications. On the other hand, career related templates can be searched for in order to create the right document for application.

Simple ways to design career related templates

Here are some ways in which individuals can themselves create their own career related templates:

  1. Template must be given a decorative border
Gone are the days when career related documents such as resumes and cover letters were simple. Now it is time to incorporate some creativity into it. You can use a background image for the border. An image that is a reflection of your passion, skills and hobbies must be chosen.An image that reflects the nature of the industry you are applying for can be selected as well. This means that the image will have some symbolic value. 

  1. Add a personal logo
If you want to make the career related template more memorable, then include a personal logo. Even though it may require some effort, the logo can have a significant impact. It can be as simple as just writing a number in a particular font. The font style and shape must reflect some character. It must exhibit something. Make sure the design is eye catching to the employer who goes through the document.

  1. Use icons
As much icons as possible must be used when designing a career related template. These work as representation of simple concepts. It even adds more creativity to the template. Icons can be used to illustrate information like skills, experience and passion. Emphasize on the main points. Also consider adding a bit of color to the icons to make it look more attractive. In the end, you have to be creative and innovative with these symbolic representations.

  1. Contact information must be highlighted
There is no doubt in the fact that bold headers will grab the attention of all the readers. But it is still recommended that you highlight the contact information. It allows the employer to figure out all the relevant details with ease and convenience. Emphasize on the contact information so that all the chances of the employer not contacting you on a later date are eliminated. 

  1. Add an unusual border
An unusual border must be added in the template for a more modern look.Even the small design choices can have a significant impact on the career related template’s personality. Borders can be used in unique manner. It will make it more interesting to the recruiter. For instance, border can only be used around one section rather than using it around the entire page. In this similar manner, you can use your own creativity to bring out something special with the borders. шаблоны для dle 11.2

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