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How To Achieve A Purpose-Driven Website Design In 2018

9-07-2018, 16:27

The website of a company is no longer merely for information. It is now a publicity, marketing, and sales conversion tool. So, you must consider the purpose of your website in its design stage. Here are a few tips that will help you to achieve a purpose-driven website in 2018 and at all time.

How To Achieve A Purpose-Driven Website Design In 2018

1. Your web developer should understand your business
It is very important that your website design company understands the main purpose of your website. This will be very easy if your web designer understands your business processes very well. Once your web design expert knows the nitty-gritty of your business, knowing the purpose of your website will be easy. That way, your web developer will also be able to suggest better and faster ways to achieve the purpose with your website

2. The purpose of your website should be very clear
Understanding your business is just one half of the equation. The second half is to make your aim very clear. The designer of your website must be clear about the aim of your website. The two common aims for building websites are usually to increase conversion rates or to educate specific audience about certain topics.

3. Think of search engine optimization
Whatever the purpose of your website is, it definitely needs traffic to achieve its aim. So, you need to consider optimizing it for search engines right from its design stage. The structure of your website can either make it easy for search engine bots to crawl its web pages or make it difficult. So, you should opt for design structures that are easy for bots to crawl.

You may also need to develop your website with WordPress as sites built with the tool usually have higher search engine ranking automatically. Since Google likes videos and rates sites with videos higher, it is important to upload videos in your website to boost its ranking.

4. Give visitors great experience on your site

Another way to achieve the purpose of your website is to give visitors great user experience. They will only keep coming back to your website if they have great experience on the site. You can achieve this with some of the techniques below.

A. Fewer clicks
Your website should be designed in such a way that visitors or customers can what they want with fewer clicks. The fewer they have to click the more they will like your website.

B. Keep it simple
As they say, less is more. Make your website very easy to use. Visitors on your site should be able to navigate your website with little or no assistance. To keep it simple, you need to remove all the functions, links, and buttons on your website that are not relevant to the purpose of the website

C. Mobile-friendliness
According to a reliable report, about 93 percent of internet users access it via mobile devices so, it is important that your website is mobile friendly. Apart from that, your website should always load fast. Nothing can be as frustrating and annoying as slow, non-responsive websites. So, you should ensure that your website loads fully under 10 seconds.

By following all the tips outlined above in the design of your website, it will always achieve its purpose and give you better results.


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