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The Pros & Cons of Using Drupal For Your Website

4-10-2024, 18:13

There are many benefits to using the Content Management System (CMS) Drupal for your next website. This professional CMS is the backbone of major websites such as,, as well as smaller personal blogs and sites as well. There are a few drawbacks to using the complex CMS, however, especially if you're not interested in editing the occasional line of code or tinkering with settings. Compared to other leading CMSs like WordPress and Joomla, Drupal is considered to have a higher learning curve, and require more advanced editing and configuration. Check out these pros and cons of using Drupal for your website to see if the CMS is right for you.

The Pros and Cons of Using Drupal For Your Website

Ease of Installation

Drupal can be installed via a one-click installer on most Drupal-hosting servers. If you're using a hosting company that doesn't offer Drupal optimized hosting or one-click CMS installation then the process can be a bit trickier than that of other CMSs.Installing Drupal manually isn't terribly complicated, but requires extra steps like configuring databases for Drupal and checking dependencies including PHP. This 'con' of the Drupal installation process can easily be bypassed by choosing a web host that offers optimized Drupal hosting.

Themes for Drupal Websites

There are over 2000 themes for Drupalon the official Drupal website. This seemingly-large selection is a decent pro for the CMS, however it's worth noting that competing CMSs WordPress and Joomla have hundreds of thousands of themes to choose from, when including third-party theme developers. Some after-market theme developers provide a selection of additional Drupal themes, as well, including well-known design company ThemeForest who offers 500 themes for the CMS. One pro to consider about Drupal themes is that they are generally more modifiable than themes for other CMSs.

Drupal themes like Bootstrap work as more of a framework than a standard frame, which can involve more work to setup but provide a rewarding level of customization. If you build your website with Drupal it will generally be less likely to look like an out-of-the-box theme that's been used by thousands of other websites.

Drupal Releases and Versions

Drupal is considered to be a very stable CMS, with new versions only being released every couple of years. Updates and patches are also released periodically between stable versions of the software. This means you'll spend less time updating your site's core than you would have to if you choose a different platform. Since Drupal is less popular than WordPress and Joomla, it is often targeted less by malicious code and is considered a safe and secure platform. This is a huge pro if you don't like having to update the CMS of your website often, which can be a frustrating task when working with themes and other add-ons.

Costs of a Drupal Website

If you're building your own website then all you'll need to pay for is the hosting and any third-party add-ons or themes you intend to install. Drupal itself is a free software that can be used for commercial and personal projects without any front-page attribution. The fact that Drupal and many of its themes are free is a huge pro for new website owners and builders. Since Drupal has a higher learning curve, it can be a little more costly if you need to hire developers to work on your website, but this is almost never a requirement for people familiar with basic website creation. There is plenty of documentation for installing Drupal software and the CMS has a healthy user forum where you can find free help from professional developers if you ever get stuck on an issue.

Plugins and Modules

Former and current WordPress users often inquire about the plugin selection available to Drupal websites. Since plugins are increasingly relied upon, it's something worth considering before making the switch. In the Drupal world plugins are called 'modules,' and there are tens of thousands available for free on the Drupal module site.

While the selection isn't as plentiful as the more mainstream WordPress variety of plugins, they can be used to accomplish just about any task or feature for your website. If you're highly concerned about specific plugins or plugin types it's worth looking through the Drupal module repository before choosing the CMS as your platform. One con to the Drupal module system for newer site-builders is that the modules can be a little more complicated to install and use than those typically offered to other platforms.

Perhaps the biggest pro of using Drupal to build your website is that it's a free CMS with high level of customizing and professional coding. For those new to building websites, Drupal's higher learning curve, as compared to WordPress, may be seen as a considerable 'con.' With the help of a solid documentation and a friendly user forum, Drupal is a great choice for anyone wanting to build a new website that looks different from every other site on the web. Getting optimized Drupal hosting will make installation and upgrades easy, and will likely provide you with any tech support you may need for your new website.


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