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How to generate income from your blog

15-11-2016, 20:13
1 282

If you have your own blog and it isn’t paying off, or if you are planning to start a blog and make money out of it, well, after reading this, you will be on the right path to becoming a successful blogger and probably earn a living out of it.

generate income from your blog

Let me first give you the bottom line. Consultancy only forms a great part of the marketing industry with an estimated value of over $400 billion, and since bloggers are more like consultants, then I don’t see a reason why shouldn’t grab a bigger spoon and eat this cake.

Let’s assume that you have already started a blog or if you don’t have then you can start one; it’s so simple. Once you have one, it’s important to choose what you will be writing about as in your topic of interest that will make people visit your blog.

You can then link your blog to several social media platforms and get people to like your blog. This is very important since you need to have an audience for your blog. Your blog needs to reach out to as many people as possible.

After you have achieved the above steps, then you are now good to go. You can then use your blog as a platform to launch products and services. Most of the blogging money is made this way. These streams of income through which you can make money as a blogger include:

1) Offering affiliate marketing services.

2) Creating adverts on your blog.

3) Selling your own physical merchandise through your blog.

4) Offering services through your blog.


1) Being an Affiliate Marketer

You can blog while at the same time promoting a company’s product and get paid for that. This is called affiliate marketing. You can do this by recommending the product to your readers and including links to purchasing that product. You then get paid when a reader clicks on that link.

You can also write product reviews for companies and get paid for that. Most of the times, these products you review must be related to the subject of your blog.

2) Advertising

You can create adverts on your blog and make money out of it. There are two types of ads; Cost per click ads and cost per mile. With the cost per click ads, whenever anybody will click that ad that will appear on your blog, you automatically get paid.

Cost per mile will get you paid per a fixed amount of views. There are programs available for such tasks such as the Google Adsense,, Rivit, Sovrn and many others. You can also sell private ads in that; you cut out the middlemen by contacting the companies you are advertising for directly without the need for Google Adsense,, and the rest. You can get all the monetization plugins for your blog through this link:

Other types of adverts that you may include in your blog include audio advertising where you get paid per play.

3) Selling your own physical products

You can also sell your own products through your blog by advertising them. This can be excellent especially if you are something like an author and you want to sell books or if you are an event organizer and you want to invite as many people to attend your event.

4) Offering other services

You can provide services like consultancy, counseling or coaching on your blog at a fee.

In summary, these are just some of the many income streams that as a blogger you can use to generate money at the comfort of your desk. The internet keeps on revolving with new ideas every day that you can use to generate cash through your blog. To check how much you can earn from your blog, you can click this link:

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