WEB 2.0 features implementation for scaling RC websitesA less-discussed but significant change of sorts taking place in the digital arena is the increased adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by businesses offering research chemicals. Since the past 9 years, the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) has been significantly involved in publishing hundreds of research articles outlining opinions and studies reflecting on ways in which Internet is transforming medical practice and biomedical research. Web 2.0 – needless to say- has emerged as a significant part of those discussions. Researchers have consistently maintained that the incredible advances made in the user interfaces and web technologies only facilitated web pervasiveness at a way greater level than what we could imagine 10 years back. The Digital Scene A Few Years BackIt was not like this even five years ago. The healthcare, banking and the chemicals industries seemed eternally confounded by ways in which they could make their digital foray. When most other industries were busy zeroing in on path breaking digital strategies, businesses dealing with research chemicals, for example, were still struggling to find a foothold in the digital world at the first place. What would they put up in their respective digital platforms? Businesses dealing into research chemicals – for instance- enjoy limited user base. It was increasingly difficult for them to figure out how they could grab attention beyond their websites. Were their target audiences at all there on social media? Would anyone on Facebook or Twitter be at all interested in finding about the new pharmacotherapies? Would the scientists be interested to check out their social media pages? Or would they like to get in touch with the companies directly? Web 2.0 and Websites on Research ChemicalsWith the passage of time, however, the medical and RC companies have been able to make the most of the "online” advantages that Web 2.0 has to offer. Talk about implementing Web 2.0 features for scaling highly intuitive interfaces or warming up to the different attributes that Web 2.0 seeks to facilitate (i.e. Social Networking, Openness, Participation and Collaboration between two user groups), businesses dealing into Research Chemicals are slowly making their way to digital supremacy. What is Web 2.0 and how can they be implemented to scale an RC website?Web 2.0 necessitates businesses to offer better user experiences when they visit your websites. And user-experience is not solely restricted to embracing the White Hat practices. The need for informing your visitors is more intense than ever. Lead generation is today a highly interactive process whereby exchange of information is not only about providing a comprehensive "Contact Us” section or for that matter a staid "About Us” section. No! Scientists, needless to say, make for the target audience of businesses offering Research Chemicals. Make sure you are digging deeper to unravel ways in which you can educate scientists at the first place. What’s Openness!While a clearly outlined "Contact Us” page would mean that they know how they can reach out to you in case of possible discrepancies, an updated "News” section implies that they are well-informed about the happenings of the Chemicals industry. Any new scientific discoveries that they need to know about? Is there any particular product synthesis, which has been banned? Any scientist awarded for a recent discovery? Do not forget that your website is your selling vehicle. Opening up new vistas of education through your website becomes a crucial part of that selling process. Experts while explaining "openness” through web (one of the important aspects of Web 2.0) emphasizes on the need for taking "Research Chemicals” out of journals, research studies and offline stores. If you are conducting a lab experiment then you should have the liberty to order products online and get it delivered right at your doorstep. Your website should have detailed information about the shipping facilities so as to facilitate online orders. The Addition of Social Media WidgetsInclusion of the social media widgets is another important practice since it allows users to gauge the kind of trust you enjoy as a provider of Research Chemicals by having a look at the kind of followers you already have and the kind of engagement you have been able to generate. Social networking once again is a pillar of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 entails the unambiguous modeling of connections formed between people themselves, between people and the business and between businesses at times as well. In a way a dynamic "social” presence facilitates both transparency and collaborative filtering process. Are you offering Research Chemicals? Is your website backed by these elements of Web 2.0? Rate:
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