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Some important things to remember before writing a scientific paper

4-05-2017, 20:40
1 526

Scientific writing is a paper that presents facts and truths composed of observations, research, conclusions based on the methodology of writing. Of course, scientific papers exist only in academic circles, such as high schools and universities.

Some important things to remember before writing a scientific paper

A scientific paper has at least three main characteristics:

• Has the object under study

• Contains author's argument

• Written in standard writing rules


Scientific work cannot be imaginative as a novel, or something that does not have the validity of the truth like magazine's gossip. This is the characteristic that makes scientific papers a requirement that must be met by every student who wishes to complete his / her studies at college. Here are some ways to write scientific papers:


1. Define the title
The first thing to do in starting a scientific paper is to determine the title. The title should be concrete, not widespread, and depict the idea of ​​a scientific paper. Before defining a title, you must first define the topic and theme of the thing you want to write. For example, the topic you choose is law enforcement, one of the subthemes to choose of course, is corruption (because corruption is a factor that impedes the well-being of every country). So the title you might write from such topics and themes is "Sentence of Death to Corruptors as an Effort to Cut Corruption".


2. Provide the background
In order to make the reader have a preliminary understanding of your scientific papers, then you should first write down the background of the title you have. The background contains why the title was raised as a scientific paper and the outline exposure of the title.


3. Make a problem formulation
The second stage of scientific paper writing is to determine the formulation of the problem. This is a logical thing, because what do you want to discuss if you cannot find a single problem? Creating a problem statement also aims to limit the scope of your discussion in writing scientific papers. One way to find the problem formulation is to confront the ideal with reality. For example, ideally a criminal of corruption must be put to death, but the facts show that corruptors are only sentenced to imprisonment for several years, so the formulation of the problem you may write is "What are the factors that impede the application of capital punishment to corruptors?"


4. Make a simple discussion
After having the title and determining the formulation of the problem, the next stage is to analyze the discussion section. The way to do the analysis is to apply the ideal things to the facts. Of course there are factors that hinder the implementation; here you are pouring your ideas in eliminating those barriers. The analysis you do must be simple and easily understood by the reader. If you meet a difficulty in this section, you may get help online. You may Receive project management assignment help from a trusted source.


5. Make a Conclusion
The last thing you should do is make a conclusion. The contents of this section should not be too long and are usually accompanied by suggestions. The conclusion is the answer to the discussion.

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