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Exclusive SEO news for the year 2016

13-08-2016, 17:14
1 471

People, nowadays, are investing great deal of money in SEO content. SEO is an ever increasing trend as it has enabled companies to get potential customers much faster than other offline modes of advertising. Every year some additions are made to the whole SEO framework and it is important that every business knows the newest techniques and is able to apply them well. So are you using the same old tactics? Well, in that case SEO Chicago would advise that you review because success with SEO will not be possible unless you are able to adapt to the changes that have take place.

Exclusive SEO news for the year 2016

One thing which has remained stable over the years and still continues to play a vital role in SEO practice is the performance of keyword research. For this you can either use keyword research tools or just generally analyze which words create most searches by customers. The one-to-one relationship, however, has shifted and become more specific. Businesses now try to build content around a particular theme rather than just a particular keyword.

The question which arises then is that what tactics are to be used if not only keywords? One effective way is to make your content as comprehensive as possible, since Google is famous for showing sites whose word count falls between 900-1400 words. Relevant words must be used in your content, for example right now that I’m writing on a topic involving ‘SEO’ then I should be careful in using words like ‘search’, ‘Google’ and/or ‘rankings’. Use of internal links has also increase in the past year, basically on the high ranked pages.


The mobile friendly update has really raised the bar for many businesses. Mobiles have now become more of a full time laptop that people carry with themselves which is why it is important that your site can easily be opened on a phone, otherwise you will fall way behind in the competition. The loading time of your site should be quick; no one likes to wait minutes before the site opens and would likely choose another one, so your site should stream fast.

Google recently did a research in which they found out that more people search on mobile sites than desktop versions. Due to this reason, businesses now are becoming more careful in fulfilling the mobile optimization task by structuring their site with menus etc, having a certain word count, using relevant keywords and ensuring that extra ads don’t appear to make the site unresponsive.


The whole concept of building links has been shifted to rather earning links. Focus is kept on the keeping the content good because only high quality content will be ranked best amongst all. Some common content types that are likely to earn more links are those with a word count more than 1000, list posts and ‘why’ posts.

Sharing your content on social sites is known as guest blogging, and in fact is a very effective strategy in terms of SEO. When businesses promote content on social media like twitter, facebook and instagram, they get positive responses in shape of likes and shares. As the content becomes viral and reaches out to a larger audience, it starts to earn more links which fulfills the SEO motive of the company. Eventually content with the highest links reaches out to the top place in search results.

The old way of writing a short content focused around just the keyword density will no longer be effective. If you want high rankings then you have to come up with a detailed and explanatory piece of writing that has value. Along with that it will have relevant terms and will be generally more than 1000 words. So, summing it up, SEO tactics in the year 2016 are somewhat all about working hard to create a useful content that covers the relevant topic well and at the same time reaches to a large number of audience.  

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