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How To Include Sales Functionality Inside Web Development and Design Projects

31-03-2016, 16:11
1 176

One thing that often gets missed in the initial planning stages of a web develop and design project is the concept of built-in sales functionality. If the purpose of a website is commercial, wouldn't it make sense that this would be a cornerstone of progress? However, that ends up not being the case more than you might think!

Include Sales Functionality Inside Web Development and Design Projects

So, depending on the stage of your particular project, consider things like learning sales enablement tools, making payments easy for clients, having chats available, making personal connection easy, and creating subscription options - all for the purpose of having real financial opportunities consistently present via your online site.

Learn the Enablement Tools

Before you can implement sales code into your design, however, you need to learn what those enablement tools are in the first place. They could be a part of a third party service, they could be built into a web host, they could be part of a software package, or a cloud option - it's important for you to understand what all of these methods are before using them necessarily, so that you can be as efficient as possible with regard to your end goal.

Make Payments Easy For the Client

In terms of sales capability, one of the single best ways for you to convert traffic to dollars is by having easy payment options. One of the best and most universal is going to be something like PayPal's new one-click options, that takes care of all of the details and security issues that have been more of a hurdle than a help in the past. Now, with just a small amount of setup, you can have ideal transactions between your client and your business PayPal account.

Have Chats Available

Having online chat capability is another great way to make more sales immediately. If people log on to your website and have a question to ask a real person, having that person immediately available means that if the person online has any interest at all in purchasing an item or a service, there's an immediate way to make that happen, and with a positive social element involved as well!

Make Personal Connection Easy

Make sure that your basic website design creates an easy path to communicate with you, the business owner, as well. Nothing is more frustrating as a consumer than not finding contact information, which will automatically lead to lower sales simply from an organizational standpoint.

Create Subscription Opportunities

And finally, if some segment of your sales options allow for a subscription or recurring payment schedule, that can work out in your favor as well. People are much more likely just to continue on with a subscription than they are to manually renew something on a regular basis, so use that convenience to your advantage as well inside your web framework.

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