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How Can You Create a Successful International Site

15-02-2016, 15:13
1 217

How Can You Create a Successful International Site

The advent of the internet has transformed the world of business. The ability to reach millions of customers in international markets is made possible with a search-friendly optimised business website. Such a business becomes immediately accessible to customers no matter where they are in the world. Of course, this attractive feature of an online business is heavily dependent on the high visibility of the business website on search engines, and how user-friendly the design is for international visitors once they get to the site.

The good news for anyone wanting to create a business website is that there are a myriad of ways to draw traffic flow. Implement a few golden rules and a business becomes accessible to a global market.

Tips for building a global-friendly website

The challenge of a global-friendly business website is creating content that is easily translatable into the different languages. There are machine translation services like Google Translate that convert content into other languages, but there are limitations to using these, like not being able to work on text-based graphical images (including logos) or written content being successfully translated to sound professional and authentic. Here are some ways to overcome this and attract the international online visitor.

Look to the layout

The use of online translation tools means that the layout of the website needs to promote the successful change of text direction. Some languages, like Arabic, are read from right to left.

Keywords with location tags

At the heart of all searches on the internet is the use of keywords. In drawing up content for your website, you can include a keyword strategy that adds location tags to selected keywords. An example of this strategy for a business specializing in customised gifts would be ‘customised gifts Germany’.

Optimise internet connectivity

How quickly your website loads is an important factor for attracting and keeping the attention of a visitor. The speed of loading a website can be optimised by using a content delivery network (CDN) - a group of web servers based at different locations around the world.

Freelance expert to custom translate content for specific internal markets

Doing business with different parts of the world means having content translated into other languages; a decision that needs to be seriously considered. The use of freelance translation experts can be a cost-effective way of ensuring that content is accessible to those whose mother tongue is not English. It is always a good idea for any business website to come across as professional, which is why trusting a qualified expert to translate content is crucial.

Success in international business has never been more possible, thanks to modern communication methods and tools such as the Internet. One such example of an international success story is Fahad Al Rajaan who is the head of Al Ahli United Bank – one of Bahrain’s largest commercial and investment banking groups. The group has subsidiary operations in the UK as well as associates in a number of other countries, including Egypt, Qatar and Oman. He also holds the post of director general of the Public Institution for Social Security (Kuwait), as well as being chairman of Wafra Investment Advisory Group (New York).

Open up a world of possibilities for your business and enjoy international success. This is easily done by optimising your website for international search results by implementing a few key techniques.

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