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How to Design the Perfect Crowdfunding Page

29-01-2016, 20:10
1 566

How to Design the Perfect Crowdfunding Page

Crowdfunding has exploded onto the scene over the past five years – with most of the growth happening in the past 24 months. By the end of 2016, research suggests the industry will account for more funding than venture capital. That would have been hard to believe in 2010, when the market was only $880 million. But fast forward to today and the crowdfunding market has surpassed $34 billion. In comparison, the VC industry invests roughly $30 billion per year.

As an entrepreneur or charity-minded individual, this has to make your ears to perk up. Never before have so many different people had access to so much capital. You no longer have to set up meetings with investors, banks, or even family members to raise money for a cause. Funding your project or initiative may be as simple as launching a crowdfunding campaign.

4 Tips for Designing the Perfect Page

There are three keys to a successful crowdfunding campaign: ideation, design, and marketing. While they are all three important, we’re going to discuss the middle one – crowdfunding page design – and how to get started.

· Include a welcome video. Visuals are far better at conveying emotion and value than written word. In fact, one study suggests projects with videos are 66 percent more likely to reach their target funding goals. As such, it’s a smart idea to include a brief welcome video on your page. This video should be no longer than a minute or two and needs to clearly and concisely explain the purpose of your campaign.

· Keep it simple. The copy on your page needs to be very tight. Don’t throw in any superfluous language or you risk losing your audience. Get straight to the point and work on establishing an emotional connection. Without an emotional connection, you won’t gain much traction.

· Direct users. The great thing about page design and layout is that you can visually direct readers to certain elements. In the case of a crowdfunding campaign page, you want to direct readers to the button that allows them to contribute. Using visual cues, colors, and icons, you can guide your user and encourage a seamless transition from education to action.

·Important info first. "The top portion of the page should give a reader a very clear understanding of what the product is, what problem it solves, how it compares to other products on the market, and why it’s important to them,” suggests Adam Sager, an entrepreneur who raised more than $1.9 million from a crowdfunding campaign. You can then include details and frequently asked questions at the bottom of the page.

There are obviously plenty of other ways to design effective crowdfunding pages, but these four tips stand above the rest. Keep them in mind so you can design the perfect page.

The Key to Crowdfunding Success: Good Design

While attracting visitors to your crowdfunding page is certainly a challenge, you could argue that designing an aesthetically pleasing and informational page is the key to being successful. After all, nobody is going to pledge money if you don’t have a clear message.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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