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Top Templates

10-09-2015, 15:35
1 610

Top Templates

By now you must have heard of You can't really avoid them. With over 70 million users worldwide, this website builder is steamrolling the competition, leading the way not just in helping the coding-illiterate get beautiful looking websites for pennies on the dollar, but also by providing fantastic tools for small business of all kinds to help them reach new clients and improve their roster of services. Wix operates on a freemium model, allowing users to sign up and build their websites for free, using any of their hundreds of fully-customizable templates.
But hundreds of Wix templates would take a lot of time to sift through. So to help you get started on your new Wix website, we've compiled a list of some of their best and most beautiful templates, each of which can be edited and modified for almost any purpose imaginable.

Photography Portfolio

Just like it says, this template is primarily for photographers and photo-bloggers. But unlike many photo portfolio templates, it's absolutely responsive and has many great effects and options to choose from. Bold and graphic, the design encourages a lot of click-throughs.



Though created with medical supply stores, pharmacies (of course), and potentially doctors in mind, with a little editing this minimalist template can be good for a variety of professions including tax professionals and lawyers. The clean lines and professional feel lend an air of authority.

Architect Portfolio

If your business needs to have a professional portfolio rather than a bolder-looking artist's portfolio, this template might be for you, even if you’re not an architect. It comes with a great function and it’s easy to update projects. All, of course, is beautifully streamlined.


Surprise Birthday Invitation

Whether it's a birthday, wedding, charity event or another special occasion, this template is fantastic for using as an invitation. You can provide details about the event and confirm guests’ attendance. The pictures and graphics can be edited in a snap, and it's not difficult to achieve a more formal feel.


Film Editor

There aren't many templates which are absolutely ideal for displaying a lot of video content, but the Wix Film Editor template offers a creative way to do so, and lets you keep video clips well-organized. This template can be changed up pretty easily not just for a corporate feel, but for news blogs and music videos and more. You could also easily add in a comments feature so visitors could leave reviews about each video!

Private Investigators

This super-modern template has a lot of wow factor which can be put to good use for any manner of small firm: don't feel limited by this template's title! Many of the images in the template are stellar, and the big call to action on the home page and elegant menu come together to create a cohesive, professional and high-end design.

Music Studio

Band, music label, studio: you name it. This responsive and easily-customizable music-themed template already has a number of the features you need not just to advertise basic information, but to easily load music clips, get new subscribers to your mailing list and grow your fanbase.

Fashion Portfolio

If you are looking for a website with little text and impressive image styling, this template might be for you. Above the fold, it's quite minimalist, with a massive full-width image. If you want to highlight amazing photos, this is an ideal template for you. It could be a great option for advertising a boutique clothing or jewelry store as well.

Photography Showcase

This is another absolutely beautiful template which is heavy on the photo elements and packs a big punch. With a classic menu design which looks more Victorian-era calling card than minimalist, if you're looking for a template which is more high-style than modernism, this is a great option.

Graphic Design Portfolio

This template is ingenious. Upload photos or samples of your design and they will be displayed in a clever masonry grid on the home page. That grid scales down into a single stream on mobile devices, which maintains a beautifully clean and streamlined look. 

Creative Staffing Agency

Forget the staffing agency: no matter what type of business you run, this is a great template with a lot of pop. It offers a clean home page with a clear call to action and several click options in the navigation top bar. Coupled with a slider effect, this template would also make for a great store website. It scales up to larger-than-normal resolutions very well and looks great on mobile devices.шаблоны для dle 11.2

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